Chapter 11 Amira

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She was broken. His belt whipping had been agony, each viscous swipe causing more pain than the last. Some how she had managed to withdraw inside herself to block out the pain. But now he had finished the sting was too intense to ignore.
Thank god her nipples had gone numb. She hated him, he had made her a seething mass of pain and want.
She wanted to die but much more than that, she didn't know why but she wanted his knot.
Her stomach was cramping uncontrollably sending wave after wave of need through her. Something was telling her if she didn't get his knot soon her prayers would be answered and she would indeed die.
She had never felt so hopeless.
"Darling, this has all been for you to learn a lesson, do
You think you have learnt it yet?" He inquired in a muffled voice that seemed far to excited for someone who had just inflicted so much pain. He was one sick individual and was enjoying her misery.
He ran his fingers over her damaged flesh sending shards of pain through her body, but all she could muster was a whimper.
"You may relax and move now."
She breathed a sigh of relief as she collapsed onto the bed, reliving muscles she didn't know she had.
But as her thighs touched, the plug in her butt shifted and sent another agonising cramp through her abdomen. She needed to be filled, and
not by a butt plug, she needed his knot.
She wasn't fully aware of what he was doing, as her concentration lay on her pain and the ache to be filled, but she was aware of him moving round her. She felt the bed dip as he sat beside her then pulled her small body up onto his lap, she could do nothing but sink against him wincing as her raw flesh met his.
She curled into his warm body inhaling his scent- Alpha, only an Alpha could help her with her painful need.
As he held her, oddly enough she felt safe in his arms and gave into an urge to move in his arms to try and climb him, she wanted him to enter her and take her - now!
"Eh eh eh omega! You think this is over?" he chastised through his mask.
He slipped her down so she was standing on the floor, though her legs could barely hold her weight, he stood and held her against him. Everything seemed like it was happening around her, not to her, all she could think about was the Alpha's knot. She rubbed her body against his in hope of acquiring some relief.
He gave her none.
Her gag still in place, she couldn't express anything, the pain in her arms was torture, her legs wanted to fold, but if he put her there this is where he wanted her and she dare not move an inch for fear of being punished further.
She raised her head to look at her tormentor.
Grayson stood before her naked with a rock hard cock, and that's all she could focus on, her mouth watered.
The sad fact was that he was her tormentor,  not because he beat her and tortured her, but because he was denying her what she wanted and needed most.
He stepped forward into her and dusted his hands up and down her sides, she keened and moved her hips towards his groin.
He laughed. "Oh omega you are desperate aren't you? I love to see you so desperate for me, but your pleasure is mine to control and I choose not to supply it. You have no idea how much I am enjoying this."
She could hear his words but they meant nothing, being muffled through his mask, detached them from reality even more. The pain and heat in her body were all consuming, she knew her only solace would be found with his knot.
He stepped forward and undid her gag. Her jaw ached and her teeth felt strange in her mouth.
Before she could stop herself she begged once more for his knot.
He raised his hands and cupped her breasts, they had been so numb that the pressure that he exerted now, as he kneaded and squeezed, felt foreign. But she found herself moaning at his hold. Then he pinch and twisted hard. She heard screaming and it took a second to realise the scream came from herself.
"Fuck yes omega, scream for me."
She could feel his cock pressed against her, hard as steel. Why wasn't he entering her, why wasn't he giving her his knot?
He grabbed her breasts again and did the same again. Searing agony shot from her nipple through her breast down her body into her abdomen, as he continued, slick flowed from her, the pain only increasing the need.
He stood before her and began to stroke his cock. Why was he doing that? Why didn't he let her have it?
She watched in anguish as he continued to masturbate, thrusting into his fist. When he spent his seed on her stomach she was dying inside. This cruel Alpha was denying her the one thing she thought her life depended on.
After he had finished he pushed her and she slumped to the floor.
She just lay there, she had no strength to move, no strength to do anything except to grasp at the sticky white liquid, he had deposited on her stomach, and take it to her mouth in hope that it would release the want that burned within her.
"Oh omega what a sight you are?" He crooned through his mask. "I knew you would bring me pleasure but I never imagined it would be like this.
Pain is so close to pleasure don't you think? And although I admit causing you pain has bought me much pleasure, your humiliation is not over yet" He bent low and gripped her hair in his hands yanking backwards raising her face to his.
"I can't wait to show the old man how you beg for my cock, and how wrong he was to say I forced myself on you."
She had no idea what he was talking about, but if it led to her receiving his knot she would be happy to obey his every whim.
Wedding style, he lifted her and carried her out of the room and down the stairs. All the time she wanted to get closer to him, no not wanted, needed. She tried to wrap her legs round his waist to ground herself against him, but his hold on her was steadfast and she could not.
He laughed a muffled laugh.
"This is perfect, I couldn't have planned it better. If you do as you are told omega I may give you what you wish for."
He opened a door and the smell hit her.
"Please no, please no," she begged, as the smell reminded her of her first visit to this house where she had been caged and hung like meat.
"Shut up!" He snapped slapping her breast where her flesh was still swollen, it ricocheted through her and her complaint turned to a moan.
On arriving in the basement he lay her on the floor.
"What have you done to her you animal." She heard a woman shout.
"Nothing she didn't want me to do hag, I suggest you keep your mouth shut." He snapped.
A growl came from somewhere in the room and her stomach cramped again, she could smell it, the smell of Alphas filled the air, she could smell her tormentor but also three other Alpha's, one more feminine than the other two unknowns.
Another growl sounded and a rattle of a cage could be heard.
She heard the scrapping of metal like a chair being scrapped across the floor.
"Well well well." Grayson muttered. "I knew she would affect you both but had no idea it would be to this extent."
She heard more growling and rattling as if whatever was here was desperate to break free. If she wasn't so turned on by the growl she would be scared.
"You fucking bastard, let me have her." A deep growl came from deeper in the room.
Alpha - she made to crawl in the direction of the amazing smell and growl, this Alpha she was sure would fill her.
She felt Grayson lift her off the floor and halt her search for the new Alpha.
He placed her on his lap facing the room, her welted whipped skin burned, but she wriggled trying to ease back on his cock, he grabbed her hips and whispered in her ear, "Stop that omega, or you will receive another beating."
She immediately stilled.
Now she could see several cages, but only three were occupied.
An old Alpha stood growling and rattling the cage at the back the room. Next was a female Alpha who looked disturbed at the scene before her. And in the nearest cage was a huge shirtless Alpha, he was growling and rattling madly at his cage, although he was putting in just as much effort to get free as the old alpha, his size meant he was more menacing, and probably a good bet to fill her with his cock.
She went to move towards him and was stopped in her tracks by Grayson's tight hold.
"Remember what I told you omega," he growled. "If you follow instructions you can have my knot, would you like that?"
The rattles got louder at Grayson's words and she was sure the shirtless Alpha would break free soon with the ferocity that he was shaking the bars. Would he take her? Would she get his knot too? She hoped so. Her thoughts were filled with nothing else but Alpha's knots - what the fucking hell was wrong with her, she needed to get a hold of her self fast.
But Grayson was here below her, his cock was so close she could almost taste it. So she relaxed into his hold.
He placed each of her legs over his own so she was sitting astride his thighs.
He then opened his legs, taking hers with him, spreading her wide to the audience of the caged Alphas.
The growling and rattling intensified.
Grayson slipped his hand round and thrust it between her legs, shoving his fingers inside her.
The cry that left her was orgasmic. At fucking last. It wasn't his cock but anything inside her would feel amazing right now.
She began to ride his fingers, ignoring the ferocious growls that surrounded her, all she was focused on was the pleasure between her legs, as the ache and need in her was slightly relieved by Grayson's fingers. Fingers that were being punched in and out of her at a rapid rate. He then withdrew his fingers and she groaned in protest. She felt him fumbling between her legs and then the massive pull in her arse as the black plug was yanked free.
NOOO! She wanted to be filled not emptied. But relief came when his fingers punched in and out again. She was groaning and moaning in pleasure.
"Grayson please," she whined. "I need your knot."
This statement sent the shirtless Alpha into a frenzy as he roared and struggled to break free.
"You hear that old breed? She wants my knot, is begging for it." Grayson bragged to the room.
The other male Alpha was transfixed by Grayson's hand as it thrusted in and out of her sopping pussy.
The sound that was being emitted added to her arousal.
She could hear Grayson's breath quicken through his mask, as his cock thickened and hardened beneath her.
She moved her hips searching for the the thing she needed.
Her senses were on overload.
The ache in her thighs that she had felt earlier as she held herself up through her whipping, returned tenfold as he kept her legs spread wide with his own thighs.
The throb in her pussy as he punched his fingers in and out, was growing.
Her nipples still throbbed from the pinching and squeezing and now he placed his thumb on her clit and pushed trapping it against her pubic bone. Oh my goddess she was going to come. But she still needed his knot.
"Grayson please please knot me," she screamed.
The other two male Alphas were frantic with increasing urgency. Roaring in threat.
And then he stopped.
He pulled his hands away and closed his knees.
He stood deposited her on the floor.
He leant down to her and gritted out, "if you touch yourself omega you will never get my knot, do I make myself clear?"
She could only whine a reply. Why had he stopped, why had he left her like this. She didn't understand any of it.

Breeds - An Alpha and Omega's Story - part 2Where stories live. Discover now