Are We Having A Slumber Party?

194 7 26

Mention of child abuse/ molestation


I sighed as I leaned back on the beanbag, rubbing my eyes with my fist as I looked back at Sunny.
"What do you think I should do?"
I asked after our whole conversation about Monty's attitude today.
"Do you think maybe I'm in the wrong? Am I an asshole?" I asked him.

"No! No no! I don't think so! Personally I don't really have any dating advice for you. However, I've known Monty for year, and I do know that Monty has a temper that can't be fixed, not even by you. He's a jealous hog who needs to have constant attention from his partner, or else he thinks he's in love and/ or being cheat on. Monty is... how do I describe this I really only know grade 1 vocabulary... he's just mean!"

"Yeah... it's just.. I'm scared he's gonna be mad when I go back to his room tomorrow after this.."
"Then don't." He shrugged.

"Just... Go back to your place.. you do have a home, correct?"
"Yeah but... my stuff is in his room."
"Y/N I'm sure what ever is in there is easily replaceable."
".. Yeah.. you're right. But what if I run I to him while I'm leaving?"
"... can you stop asking dumb stinky questions and just take my advice before I get Bonnie in here to back me up?"
"No... no okay you're right."

I sat back in my bean bag, looking down at my crossed arms.
"So... what do I say to explain it to him? What do I say? What do I say when I come back to work, or when he calls me?"
"When he calls you?"
"Sunny, I know he will."

He groaned and rubbed his face, fixing his headband with the little spikes that made him look like a sun.
"Just... tell him the truth. Be honest. Say something like 'you're behavior has been unacceptable and I needed to be alone for a bit' and if he gets mad at you. Guess what? You're an adult with a life! You can do what ever you want!" He sat back in his little plastic kid chair and took a long, angry sip of his juice box.

"Okay.. yeah. You're right Sunny. Thank you. You really are one of my best friends."
"YAAAAAY." He kicked his feet and leaned back wards, causing his chair to fall back, causing him to fall back on the floor.
"Oomph!" He whined as he fell on his back, his legs over the bottom of the chair.
I giggled before leaning over the tiny table in front of us and reaching out to help him.
He took my hand and I pulled him forward, his chair coming back and sitting up with him. He looks so silly with his knees up to his chest in those chairs.

He smiled and finished his juice box before putting the small, crumbled pouch, on the table.
"Hey, Y/N.. have you ever played tag in a play place?" Sun asked as he pointed to one of the large structures of colors and foam.
"Not since I was like 8 no."
He glanced at the structure, then back at me.
"Do you want to?"
I glanced at the structure, then back at him.

We both sat in silence before he lunged at me, tapping my shoulder then running past me.
"Hey! You jerk!" I laughed and chased after him. He crawled up a slide and I took the foam ramp up. When I got up there, he was crawling his way through a plastic tube in order to get away, but I was able to catch up. I almost tapped his foot, but he was quick to move it before getting back on his feet and running through a foam maze. I rolled out of the tunnel and got up and started running after him. Eventually he ran into a dead end and I was able to tap him. When I did I immediately started running away, but I tripped over a large cord as I did, causing the power to trip.

"What the hell? Do you guys keep random wires contented to the generators in here? Does this place know anything about child safety?"
I looked up at Sun, assuming the game was paused at this point since now I was kinda pissed about the stupid and frankly unlawful design choices, knowing damn well that by the end of the night this shit was getting fixed.

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