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An open football field of Mystic Falls High School, two Salvatore brothers bonding over a bottle of bourbon from the Mystic Grill they snagged up.

Stefan runs backwards, football in his hands. "What are we doing here?." Damon asks. "Bonding." Stefan answers. "Catch." As Stefan throws the football to his older brother, Damon.

Damon catches it throwing it back in an under toss, Stefan catches it. "Come on." Stefan says with a smile tossing it back to Damon. "Give it a try." He says.

Damon catches the ball setting down the bottle of bourbon in his hand on the green grass of the football field.

"Don't forget who taught you how to play this game." Damon says.

The older Salvatore throws the football far, using his vamp speed to catch it but the younger Salvatore using his speed as well tackling his brother onto his back.

Both of them grunting as they both crash to the floor. Damon grunts with a cough making Stefan laugh a bit since Damon is on his diet for the time being.

"Ow that hurts." Damon groans.

"Down side to my diet, getting hit actually hurts." Stefan chuckles.

"Whoa, I'm impressed Stefan." Damon says. "Fun with booze and darts, sentimental football, now." Damon takes a pause. "A starry night." As sarcasm drips from Damon's tone.

Damon sits up turning to look at his brother laying on the grass, giving his younger brother a familiar look. "What do you want Stefan?." He asks as if he's annoyed by Stefan's efforts.

Stefan sits up looking at Damon eye to eye. "It wasn't real." Stefan finally finds the words. "Damon, our love for Katherine." Stefan continues.

Damon gives a sarcastic smile looking up to the sky he couldn't believe where his brother was going with this.

"She compelled us we didn't have a choice." Stefan says. "It took me years to sort out the truth, trying to understand what she did to us." Stefan continues on.

Damon looks back to his brother rolling his eyes. "Oh no Stefan." He pants his brothers arm getting up. "We are not talking on that tonight." Damon says walking away from his brother.

"What do you want with Katherine's crystal?." Stefan asks as he stares at the back of Damon's back.

Damon stops turning around slowly to look at Stefan once again. "How do you know about that?." Damon asks with his cocky attitude.

Stefan stands up. "C'mon, you knew Elena would tell me." He says.

"How'd you know it was Katherine's crystal?." Damon asks. "Emily gave it to her on her last night and I was with her." Damon takes a pause. "And you weren't." He says.

Damon kept his walls up with his cocky attitude trying to get under Stefan's skin, but it didn't work.

"Because I was the last one to see her." Stefan says.

Damon facade faltered a bit looking at Stefan, almost turning into a hurt one.

"Now what do you want with Katherine's crystal?." Stefan asks once again.

Damon tilts his head giving his all knowing smirk. "She didn't tell you?." He asks.

"We had other things on our mind." Stefan answers.

Damon used his speed making himself closer to his brother, face to face. His features turned into an angry one. "I could rip your heart out and not think twice about it." Damon threatened.

"Yeah." Stefan takes a pause looking his brother in the eyes. "I've heard that before." He continues.

Damon decides to let Stefan in on his little plan that he has been up to.

"I have a bigger surprise Stefan." Damon says taking a few steps back then turning back around. "I'm going to bring her back." He says referring to Katherine.

"Did you really think this was over love for Katherine? Obsession?." Damon laughs.

Stefan eyebrows furrow in question. "What is it then?." Stefan asks.

"Revenge, brother." Damon smirks. "On Katherine." He chuckles with a devilish smirk.

Stefan finally connected the dots. "Alessia? All over Alessia?." He asks. "Bingo." Damon gives a cocky smile.

"She's been gone, Damon, who knows what Katherine did to her sister all those years ago." Stefan says.

"And I fully intend getting that answer." Damon says with anger behind his eyes.

"And then what? You realize Katherine compelled you to forget about Alessia and your love for her, and Alessia had to watch." Stefan says.

Damon curled his lip at his brothers words. "And what if she's alive? You think she's going-."

"Finish that sentence and you'll drop to the floor." Damon threatens.

"I want you to think realistically, Damon." Stefan says. "You hurt that girl and I doubt she'll want anything to do with you if she's still alive." Stefan moves past Damon leaving him on the football field.

Damon stood there remembering the brunette, his beautiful Alessia.

163 years ago, Salvatore House

The candles surrounded the oak table Alessia was sitting at in her night gown. She was trying out spells from Emily's grimoire.

Alessia was still trying to get the hang of her powers of being a witch, even after almost 400 years.


The brunette looked over her shoulder to see Damon, the candle light dancing in his blue eyes from the candle he was holding.

"Hi, sorry I couldn't sleep." Alessia gives a soft smile.

Damon sat his candle down on the table. "Don't worry I couldn't either." He returns the soft smile.

Damon took a seat seeing what she was doing. "You know it still fascinates me that you aren't like your sister." He says.

Alessia smiles at Damon's use of words because of his father and Katherine being a vampire.

"I'm fascinated you accept us." Alessia says closing the grimoire. "I want to see what you can do." Damon says almost excitedly.

Alessia purses her lips in thought wondering if it's safe. "Okay, just this one time." She smiles brightly. "Blow out all the candles." She instructs.

Damon wasn't sure why but he does and Alessia helps, as the room was in complete darkness. "Now watch." Alessia whispers.

Both of them standing in the dark Alessia puts her hands on Damon's shoulders in front of her. Damon watched curiously and in a moment he saw the candles be lit without a match.

"Wow." Damon says astonished. He looks at Alessia with a sweet smile. "You really are magic." He says.

Alessia blushes at his words. "You're too sweet." She says.

Damon put his hands on her arms since Alessia was holding his shoulders, gently running his hand up and down her arms.

He watched the candle light illuminate Alessia's facial features and then her hazel eyes, her skin looked so soft he thought to himself.

"Would it be wrong to kiss you right now?." Damons asks looking to her plump lips.

Alessia blushed at his question, she's never had a man be so straight forward, but she wouldn't mind. "No." She answers.

Damon put his hands to her mid back pulling her closer softly connecting his lips with her kissing her gently.

Alessia hands went to Damon's neck as she played with his dark curls kissing him back.

Present Time, Mystic Falls High

Damon snaps out of his memories he was think back on. He remembered how in love he is with Alessia back then and even now.

Katherine took that from him and he wants revenge but also forgiveness from Alessia, even if he has to prove it to the beautiful girl.

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