chapter two

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The after hours of highschool have ended with students finding their way home out the school.

Caroline walking with a group of friends heading out the front door of the school when she sees Matt.

"Hey." Caroline smiles at Matt.

"Hey." Matt responds once again continuing to walk away heading towards his way home.

Caroline huffs. "What is that?!." She asks Matt.

He stops in his tracks turning to Caroline confused. "what is what?." He asks.

"The hey." Caroline mimics how he is saying it.

"Now that is twice, that is two heys, that.." Caroline stops. "Do you have any other word in your vocabulary?." She continues, crossing her arms across her chest.

"What's wrong with hey?." Matt asks still confused at Caroline.

"It's awkward subtext." Caroline says, frustratedly.

"You spent the night in my bed, there was..cuddling then you snuck out before dawn, so you wouldn't have to face me! Which I must say is a total lame guy move that I do not appreciate." Caroline continues, going off on Matt.

"Now the heys? Seriously? I mean I, I may have been some pathetic insecure mess after the party but do not mistake that for me being a pushover because I do not let guys mess with my head anymore." Caroline finishes with a huff of annoyance.

Matt mouth was a gape as he was speechless by Caroline's out burst.

"I heard your mom in the morning and I didn't want to get you in trouble so I went out the window." Matt camly explains.

"You went out the window? Well, another lame guy move." Caroline says almost as if she was disappointed.

"Your mom's the sheriff and as for the heys, I'm pretty sure it's what I've said to you everyday since the first grade." Matt says.

Caroline started to look at Matt when she felt embarrassed now by her outburst when she heard those words leave Matt's mouth.

"Trying to read something into it lame girl move." Matt finishes the conversation walking off.

Caroline watched Matt walk off feeling defeated.


Elena opening a side door to her school leaving when she sees Stefan sitting on one of the lunch tables that were outside of the school.

She slowly walked up to him relieved to see him.

"Hi." Stefan says.

"You weren't in class." Elena states. "I was worried." She continued.

"I know, I got your messages." Stefan says. "Sorry, I didn't get back to you, but..what I'm going to say shouldn't be said over the phone." Stefan puts his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket.

"A simple i- didn't-kill-my-brother text would have sufficed." Elena chuckles.

"I didn't kill my brother, as much as he..deserves it, he has you to thank for that." Stefan says.

"So what did you want to tell me?." Elena asks.

"I won't be coming to school anymore." Stefan states.

"I'm going to back off and keep my distance, it's the right thing to do" Stefan says.

Elena was taken back by him saying this but also felt offended.

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