chapter seven

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"Why are you here Logan?." Jenna asks annoyed.

"I missed you." Logan answers her with generosity in his tone. "I was out of town."

"Yeah I got that email." Jenna says flatly.

"You got an email?." Logan asks

"You didn't send an email?." Jenna asks annoyed still.

Logan takes a pause trying to find the words. "I can explain, invite me in and I'll tell you everything."

"I'm not going to invite you in, forget it." Jenna held a sarcastic smile.

"Come on, Jenna, it's me." Logan showed his all knowing smile he thinks Jenna would fall for.

"The answers no." Jenna shakes her head.

"I know you, you're always one step from a maybe, a tiny nudge to yes." Logan states.

Jenna scoffs at Logan. "You just pointed out I have no self control, clever strategy." Jenna scoffs closing the door on Logan.

Logan let out a frustrated sigh. He tries not to let the anger get to him when he paces and fidgets while leaving the porch of the Gilbert house hold.

He looks up to see a neighbor taking out his trash when he waves. "Evening."

The neighbor ignores him while going back into his house.

Logan sees a woman who is jogging past him, he turns around looking at when she stops with a smile on her lips taking out her earbuds.

"Hey you're the guy from the news, Logan Fell, I watch you every night, I mean I used to you've been missing for my TV" The woman says.

Logan flashes a smile at her. "I took some time off."

"I noticed." She chuckles. "I'm Daphne."

Logan shakes her hand when Daphne offers hers as she greeted herself. "Hey, you know something, Daphne?."

"No." Daphne smiles. "What?."

Logan's face turns into a vampire one, the veins going up underneath his eyes when he pulls in Daphne.

Daphne screamed when Logan sank his teeth into her neck.


The next morning the sun is out and the birds were chirping and the Gilbert house was quiet.

The youngest sibling, Jeremy Gilbert is in his bed reading the journal he found the next before of his ancestor Johnathan Gilbert.

It read;

"I live in fear, it consumes me."

"In the early evening when the sun begins to fade the fear comes because I know that the night brings death."

Jeremy flipped through the pages seeing symbols between the writings of Johnathan Gilbert's cursive writing. One showing a satanic symbol along with other drawings.

When Jeremy goes to the next page he sees a drawing of a separate piece of paper folded up. He looks at it taking it out feeling the thin page between his fingers flipping it back and forth not showing much more of what the drawing was.

Jeremy got up from his bed walking over to his shelves pulling out an old box full of his art stuff for drawing and pulled out an drawing book with some charcoal pencils.

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