chapter twelve

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"Elena it's Stefan, I know this picture must have confused you, but I can explain please call me back."

The world of vampires, witches, and now doppelgangers. It's possible with the right amount of magic. I'll be a monkey's uncle are werewolves are real.


Elena coughed spitting out some of the glass so she didn't choke. When she turned to see the man she hit getting up.

His bones snapped and contorted back into place as he stands up completely fine like nothing ever happened to him.

He started to come closer to her in the flipped car now all she could see was a black leather boots.

The fear escaping her when she fought against the seatbelt but it wouldn't budge.

Elena screamed when the man squatted down to her but then quickly ran away.

Elena was shocked couldn't believe what she was seeing wondering if he really ran away the way he did when she inched her head out towards the window Damon scared the shit out of her.

"How you doing in there?." Damon asks.

Elena's hands were over her face from being scared.

"Damon?." Elena cried.

"You look stuck." Damon looks up to see how Elena was hooked in by her constricting seat belt.

"Is she okay?."

Elena could hear Alessia's voice, it was full of concern.

Damon stood up open the driver door with his strength, Elena could fully see Alessia and Damon in view.

"My seatbelt, I can't.." Elena freaked out in between her sobs.

Damon hushes her softly trying to keep her calm. "I'm going to get you out of here."

Alessia watched Damon instruct Elena to put her hands on the roof of the car. Elena does what she's told.

"You ready?." Damon asks.

Elena nods her head yes when Damon counts down from three then rips her seatbelt off.

Damon catches Elena before she hits the roof he helps her out of the wrecked car. He holds her bridal style.

Elena was not holding on as she was trying to catch her bearings.

"Can you stand? Is anything broken?." Damon asks Elena.

Right there Alessia saw it, the man she fell so madly in love with coming out. The softness and the kindness, even mixed with gentle parts.

She couldn't help but stop and stare at the moment, it's like the anxiety went away of being worried about Elena, just for a second.

The conflict Alessia's been fighting in her mind with Damon has been a battle, she wants to hate him so badly because of what Katherine did and because what he's done in this town as of late.

But that sliver of hope is standing in front of her. The hope that Damon still has humanity as a vampire.

Damon stands Elena to her feet when she slowly starts to fade almost falling.

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