chapter four

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"Okay, back to my question." Caroline comes back in the kitchen seeing the look of shock on Bonnie and Elena's face.

"What? Something did happen?" Caroline asks looking around but the room was empty but the girls.

Elena clears her throat and forcing a smile granted she's still seeing Alessia.

"Nothing, just thought we heard something." Bonnie laughs nudging Elena.

"Yeah just hearing things." Elena nervously laughs.

"Anyways, you weirdos, the Stefan thing." Caroline grabs Bonnie's nail kit walking back to the kitchen island.
"Is it a permanent thing?."

Elena rolls her eyes sighing eating a french fry. "I don't know Caroline." She sighs.

Caroline opens the nail kit of Bonnie's a scoff leaves her lips. "Why are you such a little liar Bonnie?."

"What?." Bonnie asks confused.

"Caroline!." Elena scolds the blonde.

Caroline pulls out the crystal out of the kit.

Elena noticed what Caroline was holding her face turned to a scared one, so did Bonnie's.

Alessia sees it as well getting off the table. "I'm telling you that one wasn't me."

"I'm not lying to Caroline, I swear." Bonnie tired to explain.

"It's true, I watched her throw it into a field." Elena vouches for Bonnie.

"Well then explain it." Caroline asks with a snotty attitude.

"Emily?." Bonnie looks at Elena.

"Who's Emily?." Caroline asks.

"The ghost." Bonnie continues.

"Oh the ghost has a name now?." Caroline sarcastically says.

"You know I could just show myself." Alessia pipes up.

Bonnie gives Alessia a look of telling her to shut up.

"Caroline, please." Elena says.

"I wonder why she won't leave me alone." Bonnie says to Elena.

Alessia knows why and she won't let it happen.

"Okay! What is going on?." Caroline demands. "Why am I not a part of this conversation?."

"You guys do this to me all the time." Caroline scoffs.

"That's not true." Elena answers.

"Yes, it is." Bonnie agrees with Caroline.

"I can't talk to you, you don't listen." Bonnie looks at Caroline.

"That's not true." Caroline argues.

"I'm a witch." Bonnie says.

"And don't we all know it?." Caroline answers sarcastically.

"This blonde is has a stick up her ass." Alessia scoffs.

Elena wanted to laugh but held back because Caroline doesn't know she's here.

"See this is what I'm talking about." Bonnie let's have an unbelievable laugh. "I'm trying to tell you something and you don't even hear it." Bonnie says hurtfully.

Bonnie walks out of the kitchen as Alessia follows her.

"I listen, when do I not listen?." Caroline asks Elena.

Elena let's out a sigh.


Jenna walks up to the bar in the Mystic Grill where Alaric was sitting.

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