chapter eight

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Elena was walking outside her highschool saying bye to a friend when she looks up seeing Stefan leaning against the lunch benches they have outside.

She slowly approaches Stefan when they lock eyes.

"Hi." Stefan says, he leans off the bench. "We need to talk."

Elena nods her head yes.


Tyler dribbles a basketball in his hand playing a game with Matt.

"So what's up with you and Forbes.?." Tyler asks Matt.

"Nothing's up." Matt brows furrow.

"I saw you two in the hall today." Tyler says. " Don't even try to deny it bro, you're tapping that."

"No, it's not like that." Matt groans at Tyler's vulgar words.

"It never is, until you become we people." Tyler shoots the basketball in the hoop.

Matt catches the basketball. "We people?".

"Yeah." Tyler turns watching Matt dribble the ball now. "We can't make it to the party, we'll never miss a game, we don't like the color red." Tyler teases tilting his head.

"We hung out like twice." Matt shoots the basketball into the hoop. "Like I said." Tyler catches the ball. "We people."


"So you have no idea who it could be?." Elena asks Stefan.

Stefan shakes his head no. "None, but it must be somebody new because leaving a body behind like that, is either sloppy or trying to send a message." He looks at Elena.

"And you're sure it's not Damon?." Elena asks.

"Well, I'm never sure about Damon, but he's been trying to keep a low profile lately, so it just doesn't make any sense." Stefan sighs.

"So what are you going to do?." Elena asks.

"Well.." Stefan smiles from the irony of it. "Alessia and Damon are tracking it right now."

Elena's eyes went huge never thinking she'd hear that sentence from Stefan's mouth.

"Are you sure that should be a thing?." Elena asks.

"Alessia made something for one of your ancestors, Jonathan Gilbert and if she made it she can track her magic." Stefan explains. "Sure it's not ideal with the given fued of things between them but they're tabling it to find the vampire."

Stefan stood up from the table they were sitting at outside the school. "Look..I promised the truth so I wanted to tell you, I want you to be careful." Elena nods her head in agreement.

She sighs. "When I saw you, I... I thought you were coming to say goodbye." Her eyes meet Stefan's.

There was a pause between them when Stefan looks down then back to meet Elena's gaze. "Not yet." He answers.


In the Gilbert house hold Jeremy Gilbert was finishing his drawing her found his Jonathan Gilbert's journal.

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