chapter eighteen

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"the insurance company called." Jenna says to Elena as she fluffed the pillows on the couch.

Elena's been avoiding Jenna since she got the news she was adopted and she felt like she had good reason.

She looked over her shoulder from the kitchen to Jenna, her aunt was dressed up for the 50s dance in a 50s outfit.

Elena turned back to the apple she had in her hand to take a bite.

"Your car has been totaled they said, you can keep using mine." Jenna says. "So are you coming to the dance?." Elena finally breaks silence.

"Alaric asked me to chaperone." Jenna smiles walking into the kitchen.

Elena turns to Jenna as she put her apple down. "Why didn't you tell me, Jenna.?"

Jenna sighs leaning against the kitchen table. "Your mom was going to eventually, I never thought I would have to."

Elena raised her eyebrows. "If my mom were here right now and I asked, she'd tell me the truth."

Jenna looked away trying to find the words when she looks back at Elena. "Your dad was about to leave the office in one night when this girl showed up." She begins. "She was 16, a runaway, and about to give birth, he delivered her baby and he gave her a place to stay.. but a few days later, she disappeared..and there you were." Jenna says crossing her arms across her chest walking towards Elena slowly. "Your parents were trying so hard to have a baby and it wasn't happening, all Miranda ever wanted was to be a mom."

"But why were my parents' names on the birth certificate?." Elena asks.

"Your dad was a doctor, Elena, he took care of it." Jenna answers. "They didn't want to lose you, so they kept it quiet, told as few people as possible." She explained. "But if anyone ever wanted proof, they had documentation."

Elena shakes her at the information she was being given trying to grasp it all. "What else do you know about her, the girl?." She asks, her birth mother. "Just her name, Isobel." Jenna answers.


In the Salvatore House, Damon sat at the desk in one of the dens at a desk going over a book seeing if he could find any detail to find Emily's grimoire.

Next to him was a notepad of all the founding family's names from 1864.

The front door open Damon hears when he sees his brother walk in dress for the 50s dance with Elena.

"You got the hair right." Damon teases.

Stefan puts down a journal on the desk in front of Damon. It looked old and worn.

"Why are you giving me dad's journal.?" Damon asks quickly glancing up to Stefan.

"Because you were looking for it." Stefan answers.

Damon puts down his pen from the notepad looking at his brother officially. "And why would I want it?."

"Gee, I don't know, Damon." Stefan shrugs, sarcastically. "Maybe you wanted to do a little bit of posthumous bonding." Stefan chuckles. "Go ahead, enjoy it, read it, have it."

"Nowhere in it does it say anything about Katherine, Alessia or the tomb." Stefan says when he watches Damon grab the journal. "Or how to open it."

"I am not surprised, the man can barely spell his own name." Damon says.

"I'm really sorry that this won't be any help.. with your diabolical plan, the sequel." Stefan says as sarcasm dropped off his words.

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