25- Lyss

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It felt amazing being home with Wes and Charles. I never expected this to happen to me let alone have such an understanding and caring boyfriend. Once we got home I felt so safe that I fell asleep almost immediately which never used to happen. I always stayed up late until he went to sleep to make sure that he didn't go into Wes' room and do anything to him. Instead of worrying about all of this Charles reorganized his room to have everything I would need in case I have low blood sugars. Although we had this incident Charles still had to travel to the next Grand Prix. I was hesitant to go to the Grand Prix not knowing how it would all go over, but I wanted to be there to support Charles as well as Arthur because I know he is also racing this coming weekend in F2.

When I woke up I wanted to make sure to pack a bag with all my diabetic supplies so I always have it with me before we head out later tomorrow. I know that my dexcom will help me track my sugar levels and that my omnipod will also do this and administer my insulin when needed. I wanted to be extra careful so I packed my finger pricker and test strips to manually check my sugars. Also, within the bag I packed some snacks to have when my sugar levels are low.

I decided to also text in the groupchat with Arthur, Enzo, Carla, Pierre, Kika, Max, Kelly, Mick and Leila to give them an update and let them know the process of how to help me in case my levels are low or if they spike.

The Avengers

Members: Arthur (Artie), Lorenzo (Enzo), Pierre (Pear), Carla (sis), Kika (wifey), Mick (Micky), Leila

Lyss: hey guys

Wifey: omg babes i was so worried about you how are you doing

Lyss: i'm doing okay just wanted to update you all on everything

Artie: okay go ahead we're all ready and here for you

Lyss: my omnipod and dexcom came in. I put those on. I'm still going to be traveling with Charles for the race this coming weekend. Since i'm coming i packed extra alcohol wipes, dexcoms, omnipods, and insulin. My insulin has to remain in the fridge and my pdm has to be with me at all times. If I'm low I need to eat candy or juice to get it to my normal level quickly, but I can't eat too much or my levels will spike

Wifey: if you ever need to you can stay with me in Alpine's motorhome or hospitality or I can stay with you in Ferrari hospitality so you always have someone with you

Enzo: i'm also usually there to so if you ever need to just message or find me

Micky: ik you have arthur, enzo and kika but if they're ever not at the race or have other commitments i'm sure toto will be okay with you staying with me in the Mercedes garage

Lyss: thx that makes me worry less and ik it 100% makes charles worry less since ik he's scared something bad will happen to me when he's on the track

By the time I'm done texting in the group chat I hear Charles stirring in the bed and starting to wake up. I went back towards the bed and started giving him head scratches. I knew this was one of his favorite things and also calmed him down. As I kept giving him head scratches he opened his eyes and went closer to me. Once Charles decided it was time for him to get up for the day he gave me a big hug. "Good Morning ma cherie. Do you want to go down to eat some breakfast?" I nodded responding to his question "Char can I wear one of your hoodies right now I'm cold?" Instead of responding he quickly got up and went into one of his drawers and grabbed me his favorite hoodie which also happened to be the hoodie with the picture of him when he won Monza. He walked back over to me and handed it to me. I instantly put it on and felt cozy.

We went downstairs to eat. I was walking over to sit in my own chair but Charles gently pulled me down onto his lap. I was confused at first because I had my own chair and plate, but then he picked up his fork and grabbed a bite and gave it to me. I can tell that this was affecting him more than I expected it to and that Charles needs the physical touch and comfort to help calm him down. We finished breakfast pretty quickly because we had to finish packing and head out to the plane to go to the gp.

Charles quickly threw all of his stuff into his suitcase. Once his suitcase was ready he carried both of our suitcases to his car. We both got in and made our way to the plane. When we arrived at the tarmac Joris and Andrea were there waiting for us. Charles parked his car and we walked onto the plane hand in hand.

On the plane Charles and I sat together and Joris and Andrea sat in the row next to us. We were all settled in our own seats and talking while the plane was taking off. Once the plane took off and we were told we were allowed to take our seatbelts off Charles came to my chair to share it with me. I stood up to let him on it first and sat down next so we could cuddle. As we were cuddling he started playing with my hair and rubbing my back up and down and I started fading off to sleep.

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