Seeing The Silent Ace Play (6)

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It's Sunday, and I'm sitting on a bus silently, trying not to throw up. I forgot we had a game today, I always feel sick before and during a game. Yamata is screamigg my about some drama, Kora is telling her to shut up, Riiko is nodding off, the rest of the girls are being normal, on their phones or reading.

Aiko is driving Kuroo and Kenma to meet at my game, which makes me even more nervous.

"Y/n let's goooooo!" Yamata is waving her hand in my face and sticking her blonde hair into my personal bubble. I glance as her, then out the window and we're already at the school we're playing at. My stomach turns and I stand up.

When we get into the large school I see two teams, one; that just won, the other, just lost. One girl is crying and apologizing, two are annoyed and talking crap about someone, three are comforting the crying girl, the rest are packing up quietly.

My team starts preparing, going over our plan. "Y/n," coach says, now I know I have to listen. "You play your silent role, do what you do, make quick attacks, quick and powerful serves, make quick plans in your head." Coach nods me off, I nod back, not knowing what she means. I don't play a silent role, I'm just quiet.


The game is starting, I haven't seen Aiko yet, which scares me. The start line up has me serving first. I hate it, the first point, the point that could very our loss or win is all depending on this first serve.

Everyone is silent besides for some kids in the crowd who are too young to understand that it's rude and terrible distracting. I pursue my lips biting the bottom one, removing the purpose of my strawberry-kiwi chapstick.

"WOOOOO GO Y/N!!" I hear, now I know Aiko is here, but I'm scared to look, loose my concentration. "You got this silent ace!" Another voice yells, Kuroo's to be exact. I close my eyes preparing my serve, and I feel three eyes pierced to me, one judging, one interested, one empty and passionate.

I throw the ball up running, jumping, and smacking the ball with all my force. My palm turns red in an instant, the ball makes a loud smack sound while sending over to the other team. "Good serve," one of my teammates calls out. I can hear Aiko cheer in the background.

The other team hits the ball, I close my eyes and listen, one hit, two- I open my eyes and see the setter, two wing spikers look at at each other and nod, the ball is going on the right, I can tell as the spiker on the left made a small non-original canceling single with her hand.

From the back, I run to the right side of the court, the girls face shows a familiar expression, fear of her plan not working, knowing there is no time to go back, make a new one. The ball hits my hand and slams behind her, their libero barely missing. "Close one Sakara! Don't let it get to you!" Are calls from the other team. "Good job Y/n!" Are calls revived from my team. I get a couple glares from people from the other team.

The ball is passed back to me, it spins in my hand, while walking back to serve, I see Aiko, Kuroo, and Kenma. Aiko smiles bright, and Kuroo give a thumbs up, Kenma watches closely.

I'm readying myself for this next serve, a second point, and I realize two eyes have fallen off of me, only one remains, the eyes that are passionate and empty.


We won, 2-0. This team let every point get to them, it took one block to get this team in shambles.

I sip the ice cold water. I hate it, my teeth are too sensitive. I set the bottle down on the bench. I'd rather be parched than drink ice cold water.

I'm waiting for Aiko to run to me, tell me I did good, but then I remember she's here with other people, and is probably waiting outside.

My team discusses what we did well, and what we could do better at, then head separate ways, either going to the bus back to school, or the front of the school to get a ride. I shuffle my ways to the front door, Aiko said she'd pay for dinner after the game -if we won and I carried.-

I kick my bag in front of my legs since it sags while I hold its handles. "Y/n!!" I hear Aiko yell, I look up and the three are waiting by the doors. "Mm hey." I manage.

Aiko runs up and hugs me but I try to push her off, but of course it doesn't work. "S-stop I'm sweaty." I mumble. Kuroo Lange his big hand on my head ruffling my hair, "you're one hell of a player, you remind me of this kid I play, named Hinata. One second you're in the back left next your in the top right, swinging and never missing, that part isn't so much like Hinata." Kuroo laughs a little." I quickly shimmy my way out of Aiko's grasp and Kuroo's hand, but I fall back on my butt.

I hear Yamata laugh, I watch as she walks out with Kora. "See ya Y/n." Kora says blankly. "You did good tonight!" Yamata wave brightly as she walks out the glass doors with Kora.

Aiko takes my hand swinging me up, almost making me fall over again. For someone so small, she sure is strong. "Okay I guess dinners on me then!" Aiko laughs. "On us," Kuroo chimes in, then we all head out while Kuroo and Aiko arguing about where to eat, and I'm thinking about all my hits I did tonight.
"You did really good." Kenma breaks me from my thoughts.

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