Apple Pie And Kitty (14)

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I stand in a cold empty lot. My eyes are closed but I know I'm in an empty parking lot, and I know it's raining. I'm all cold except my hands. My hands that are being held by another's. The hands belong to a boy. A boy I know. We're facing each other and are standing as far apart as our hands can reach from each other.

I'm scared to open my eyes. The boy holding my hands whispers something freakishly inaudible. The sound shivers up my body and my eyes shoot open the boy is-

My breath is heavy and though I was in the cold dream, I'm sweating now. I look to my left and see my door, I look to my right and see my golden glowing window, and I look down and see Kenma's head buried in my wait, so his golden hair is only showing.

I slip out of his grip and stand so my feet feel the cold floor. The shiver bring me back to reality. That dream, it's like a nightmare. I wake up sweating and my head racing.

I look at my volleyball shaped alarm clock I got at an antique store a while ago. The numbers barely show, but I can read it. 10:30. I groan to myself, why'd I have to wake up so early on the weekend?

I walk silently, out of the room, looking back at Kenma one more time. I walk to the kitchen, and silently pull out a pan, then grab some eggs and bacon. A common American breakfast my brother talked to me about, in the slim times he did.

I begin cooking, thinking about my next volleyball game-sadly tomorrow-and what I'll do to improve my performance. If there was any mistakes I made last time, or anything I can learn for the other teams. I think about the people in the crowd. The three-to-one people that may actually notice me. The-one-hundred-some-people that will say, "when'd she get there?" The boy who will notice though, the one who's wearing my brother hoodie who-

I jump at the one: burning smell two: the tight sudden feeling around my wait three: and the thing buried in my neck. I try to turn around the but the grasp is too tight. "Apple pie." Kenma's voice whispers. My heart slows down. Felling relieved I close my eyes sighing. "W-what?" I ask, still a bit shaken up. "Hmm?" Kenma asks still obviously half awake. I roll my eyes looking at the burnt food, "great." I mumble.

I turn my head and Kenma is already at the table, on his Nintendo. "We can eat that apple pie." Kenma says, not looking up. I nod quietly. "Yeah kay." I say walking to the fridge and grabbing the pie that's left, rather than getting Kenma's that's been sitting out in my room. I plate the food, thinking how Aiko would disapprove saying this isn't a healthy breakfast, though there isn't very much sugar in this.

as I grab two forks and bring the food to the table, I think how Aiko never liked my cooking, or never asked me to cook. If I offered she'd say it's fine, we can just get take out.

I set the pie across from Kenma and the other in front of my seat. Kenma starts to eat his right away, I take small bites, my head still wondering.

"What's wrong?" Kenma asks. I shrug. "Nothing, just... thinking." I say. Kenma nods, and I'm relived. Unlike Aiko he didn't push me to explain what I don't know.

Aiko would have kept insisting I'm lying and am hiding my feelings from her, even though. When my mind is thinking, it's like it's not me, or I'm not there.

I sigh one more time, beginning my first bit of the pie. I mean, I did good it taste find, or I hope. This is how it tasted when I let Aiko try it, she said it was too bland but also too sweet.

"Apple Pie." Kenma says again. I look over and he's still looking down. I stare at him, waiting for him to elaborate, because it's too much work to ask why or what. But after a minute of waiting I ask, "What?" "Your nick name, Apple Pie." He says as if I should have known, like he was talking this whole time-wait was he?

"It fits you perfectly." he continues slowly. I cock my head. "How?" I ask. "Well." He presses his lips together and looks at the Apple pie. "You have a subtile sas, like the cinnamon, but depending on the situation or, topping, you have a sweet attitude. And your portions, size, is perfect."he says. I stare at him. He mumbles the last part. I search for a word for him but I can't find one, till I analyze his face.

"Kitty." I say. His face heats up. "N-no you can't call me that." He says. I stare at him confused. "Why not? It matches you." He shakes his head embarrassed. "Fine, just not in public." He mumbled very quietly. I smile in victory.

Kenma's phone that's been sitting on the table buzzes. He glances at it, then picks it up annoyed. "Yeah Kuroo?" He asks. "You need to get your ass home, I covered for you, your parents think you're here, you have like three minutes." Kuroo's muffled voices rings to me, my eyes widen, along with Kenma's. "You owe me big time," Kuroo's leads on, we can both head his grin. "Hey what?!" Kenma yells. "Only fair." Kuroo's says.

Kenma opens his mouth to say something back, but Kuroo's stops him. "Just tell me who your wee with and what you did." Kuroo's says. Me and Kenma stare hard at each other. I sigh, walking to get my keys, to leave those two to talk.

I sit on the edge of my bed, rubbing my neck. I just got back from brining Kenma home. It was a pretty damn silent ride, almost as silent as the court when I play.

He told me before we left, he'd say he got locked out after waking me home from practice, then slept somewhere else...
He didn't really have a good excuse.

I lay back on my bed and pick up my phone, I see the MANY missed texts and calls from Aiko. I don't feel like responding, so I put my phone down and go on my gaming consul to play one of the games me and Kenma played yesterday.

When I open the game I have a new notification in my messages, the messages reads- hey Apple Pie;)
I reply- hey Kitty.

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