Similarities (7)

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Aiko picked some steak place. I don't mind it, just isn't my favorite. After waiting for about fourth minutes we were sat at a booth towards the back.

Now I'm staring at the over wheeling menu. The words hurt my brain, I just wanted to go somewhere I was familiar with, so I didn't have to deal with the stress of picking. "What are you getting?" Aiko asks me. I don't respond, she'll know what that means. "I'll order for you." She says, I let a sigh of relief slip form my lips, she's never let me down while ordering for me.

The waiter stops by and ask what we want to drink. "I'll take a coke." Kuroo starts. "I'll take aaaaa," Aiko peers at her menu, "a sprite, and she'll do a pink lemonade." Aiko points to me. Now it's Kenma's turn.

He sunk in his spot, trying to avoid ordering. "Hell do a sweetened tea." Kuroo orders for him too. The waiter gives me and Kenma a quick look the nods, waking off.

Aiko starts laughing, and I already am drowning in misery and embarrassment. "You have to order for him too?" She laughs more than she should be laughing, but Kuroo joins in. "Yeah every time." Kuroo laughs. "I can't think of a time she ordered for herself." Aiko laughs.

I accept my fate and glance at Kenma to see  how he's accepted his, but it seems to not bother him. "You didn't have to order for us." He states seriously, but unbothered while playing a game I have. Kuroo and Aiko stop laughing, and move on to a different conversation, saving the volleyball talk for the food to arrive.

I keep looking at Kenma's screen. Observing wha leval he's on, and what items he has that I don't. He looks up at me form the corner of his eye, "hmm?" He hums. "Oh uh sorry, I have the same game, I was just looking." I mumble looking away embarrassed. "Mm really," he ask sitting up, barley fixing his posture. "It's not very common, it's kind of an old game," he shrugs. "Yeah , I like the old graphics." I say. He nods agreeing. "What leaval are you," he ask, not looking away. "I've been playing for a long time," I start, and he finally actually looks at me. "I'm at 107." I say looking at the ceiling embarrassed.

"I used to play everyday, then Aiko started getting on my ass, and limited how long I can play for." I roll my eyes to Aiko for a second. Kenma laughs. "How'd she do that," he asks. I rub my lips together. "She takes it away and give it to me for a max of two hours." I say quietly hoping he doesn't hear. "Kuroo is the same way, not as strict though." Kenma glances at Kuroo.

I watch Kenma play a little longer, till all of our drinks are aligned accordingly in front of us. "Can I take your guys order now, or do you need a little longer to look over your menus," the waiter over explains our options. "We're good now." Aiko smiles. "I'll take the Baby Back steak cooked medium rare," Kuroo starts again. "I'll take the same as him, and she'll take-" I cut her off, "I'll have the bacon cheeseburger," I regret my words, because they came out as a mumbled mess. But the waiter nods slowly anyways, looking at Kenma. "I'll have the barbecue ribs." Kenma speaks before Kuroo could starts. The waiter nods and walks off.

I look at Aiko and Kuroo, and they're more shocked then they should be. "I'm so proud of you!" Both of them say, parent like. They keep expressing their excitement for us, and I just watch Kenma play his game.

"What's your user," Kenma ask once Aiko and Kuroo drop it. Kenma hands me his Switch which is pulled up to the friend adding screen. "I know you don't play much, but when you're on we could play together," Kenma says so calmly. I nod taking the switch. "You can't make fun of my user, Aiko made it when I first got the game, and the game won't let you change it." I mumble almost to myself. I type in 'bett3r_th@n-you' and click add. I hand Kenma the Switch back and he laughs quickly.


The food is set in front of us, like the drinks. Kuroo and Aiko don't waist a second to season/eat their food. I slowly start to pick off the tomato and pickle from my burger, and Kenma stares at his food for a second. "Y/n you we're sooooooo cool tonight, like when you went ZOOM and then KACHOW and the ball would go BOOM!" Aiko waved her hand around the table frantically, acting along with the sounds she made.

"Silent ace really fits you," Kuroo smirked. I felt my body start to degrade its self from embarrassment. "Thanks." I say, and Aiko and Kuroo keep the compliments running, and talking about the other team and what not. Kenma doesn't comment much, other than a, 'mhm' here or 'yeah,' there.


Once we all finished we head back to Aiko's car. Kuroo yelled shot gun, so me and Kenma had the back. Once I sit down, I release how really tired I am. Aiko keeps talking to me, and I make the best replies I can, but like Riiko, I'm nodding off, leaning on whatever was near, slowly drifting off, and meeting the boy with a black void for a face in the cold rain in a parking lot in a world away from reality.

A Silent Court (Kenma Kozume x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now