Writing Project (8)

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"Wakey wakey its time for some umm- what rhymes with wakey..." Aiko's voice if muffled. I sit up slowly, in pain. My aches after a volleyball game are intense.

"Ohhhh yeah!" Aiko says, I'm trying to get my eyes to open, get things into somewhat of a focus, when a bright shining rectangle is being waved in my face by Aiko. I squint my eyes, then grabs her phone so she stops moving and I can see what the damn picture is.

It's of me sleeping on Kenma's shoulder in the car, him on his Nintendo, then Aiko takes her phone back and swipes. Before showing the new picture she chuckles. It's a blurry photo of Kenma angrily reaching for the phone. I glance up at Aiko. "It's not that funny, I was tired." I say mad, but really I'm just embarrassed.

I look around and see I'm in Aiko's room. "Your uniform is in the bathroom I washed of with mine last night," she says as she standing up yawing, even though she's been awake probably for an hour and a half now.


I'm sitting in my desk, head tilted up at the ceiling. Mr. Lagguto just assigned us a writing project, that can be done with a group. But I'm too sore too look around or think of why the main character in our book would support a murder, I don't know, ask the writer or something. I'm not him I can't tell you why he does what he does, and it's a book for god sake why does it matter?

"Do you want to um working together?" I tilt my head and Kenma is looking away, holding his paper awkwardly in front of his chest. I stare at him, I forgot he was in three of my classes. I nod, "sure," I shrug.

Kenma stiffly pulls a desk next to mine. "You okay," he asks looking at his blank papers. "That game has me really sore," I say sighing heavily. "You should get Aiko to give you a massage or something," he suggests. I nod, thinking back to when she used to, but then said I should go find a professional who's new mani won't get ruined.

"What do you think about the project," Kenma ask, lazily flipping through the book. "Think it's dumb, if we aren't the writer, how the hell should we know," I roll my eyes resting my head lightly on the cold desk, reminding me of the cold rain from the parking lot.

"We should write about that then," Kenma says jotting down bullet points. "Huh?" I sit up. He purses his lips together, "I'm not gonna think of anything better." He shrugs. I nod and think for a second. "Since that game I have you on isn't my most reliable source, can I have your number, so we can work on the project," I ask hesitantly. Kenma nods, writing in small number a ten digit number. He rips off the small piece of paper and hands it to me. I place the paper of my backpack, hoping not to forget it's there.


Me and Kenma worked on the project all week, and presented to the class -against our will- just to get a grade C on it. Me and Kenma stare at the paper. I bite my bottom lip and Kenma just stares. "Whatever," Kenma crumples up our essay and tosses it in the garbage. I chuckle at our shared feelings.

He walks back over and glances at me. The tension is awkward. "I thought we'd get at least a B." I sigh closing my eyes. "Same." Kenma pouts. "Aiko's gonna beat my ass." I sigh, knowing it's true. "Kuroo's gonna beat mine," Kenma says.

"Do you want to play that game tonight," I ask Kenma. He simply nods. "Oh wait, I have practice today." I purse my lips again, thinking. "That's alright. I'll wait for you," Kenma says. I stare at him for a second, then nod.


I'm putting some books away in my locker, and I can hear Aiko down the hall again. When I turn my head she's not surprisingly walking with Kuroo, Kenma, and that one transfer girl. "Y/n!!" Aiko yells running up to me. She hugs me low, cause of how short she is compared to me, her fake red and white nails dig into my back. I look at the transfer girl and she give me a look.

As much as Aiko gets really close to a lot of people, she makes it known I'm her best friend, not only to me, but to others too.

"Aiko let got I have to get to practice," I mumble. "Uhhh finneee, me and Sammy have to get to art anyways." Aiko says, spinning on her heel. "Come on!" She yells taking the transfer -Sammy I guess-  by the hand and leading her back around the corner to art.

Kuroo and Kenma wait at my locker, while I finish putting my stuff away. "We'll walk you to the gyms." Kuroo says. I nod, wondering if Kenma was still going wait for me.

"We'll see you tomorrow," Kuroo says, as we approach the gym doors. He begins to walk forward but pauses when a Kenma doesn't come with him. "Kenma you comin'?" He ask, peaking his head back. Kenma shook his head. "I was going to wait here, and walk her home. I know it gets dark out after and Aiko isn't done till-" "you don't gotta explain buddy, I get it." Kuroo grins, whistling has he walks away. Kenma makes a face, that's if make is Aiko said the same thing to me.

We walk in the gym and I run to go change, after making sure Kenma gets settled on a bench.

The coach explains what we're going to practice today, for our next game, -in about two-ish weeks- and while I hold the ball, in between my arm and hip, I feel eyes on my back again, staring silently. "Y/n! Are you listening?" Coach asks harshly. I nod, "I always am." "Great what'd I say?" She asks with an audited I wish I could snap off. "You want me to use my silent skill or whatever, to be used after the decoy distracts everyone." I mumble almost annoyed. The coach grins, "great."

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