Plan on Nationals (15)

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I shut my eyes tightly, my head spinning. "Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, Y/n-" WHAT?!" I yell, we'll more whisper, I don't think my vocal cords are able to go more than a level 3.

Yamata sits back and blinks. "Calm down I was just trying to see if you were okay." I roll my eyes turning back to the window.

I'm not only nervous about the game, Aiko too. I've ignored her all weekend for the first time in my life. I'm already internally crying thinking about what she'll do...


We've won the first match 25:18. It's one of our closer games this year, but I intend to let them lose the next round by much. As much as I don't show it, I'm passionate about going to nationals. My team lost last year at the third round 12:25 and 19:25. We weren't really a good team, the third years dominated the team even though they weren't good. As a first year I was benched most the time, but this it's the best plasters on the court.

I set my water bottle down at the whistle. It's my serve to start the second round. Riiko tosses me the ball with her stone face, it sends a chill down my spine. I'd hate to be number 09 in front of her on the other side.

Everyone silences as I feel the ball spin in my hand and the referee blows the whistle one more time. I close my eyes, one pair of eyes are on me like the last round, I wasn't able to see who in the crowd during the break. I don't know who it is these eyes are vicious and serious, they're new.

I throw the ball up and open my eyes, running and jumping. I place my eyes away from the ball and instead, where I want to hit it. My hand meets the ball then in an instant sweeps past a girls face and slams hard to the floor.

No body speaks for a moment in silence, shock, till my team starts yelling and cheering after the point card switches to 01-2-00. "S-stop it literally just the first point." I say quietly, realizing I'm being noticed by those who didn't notice me before, as it always happens second round when I start to give my all.
Although I don't know how much I'll be able to give when I can't figure out who's staring at me like this.


We won the second round 25:10. The other team was pretty beat, I honestly feel bad-actually no I don't.

I pack my bag, Aiko texted me she can drive me back. I say bye to my team and head out, getting congratulated by people who don't know my name. I rush to the door not wanting to make any more interactions. At the front of the school I see Kenma. I smile, speeding my pace.

"Hey." He says quietly, tapping away at his phone. I stand there. I say hi in my head but not out loud. "They're in the car- they said they'd pull up." he says. By they, I think he means Aiko and Kuroo.

I nod, not knowing what to say. I feel my face heats up as my thoughts travel back to... that night. I start to want it again, want him. I glance over to him, and for a second I see his eyes flick away from me. "Mm the-they're out front." I can tell something's different about Kenma.

"I don't think I need to tell you you did good." He says while I pick up my duffel-like-bag and we walk out the door. "But that serve-and the quick spike you did, all your moves we're good." He mumbles. "Thanks." I say back quietly.

I open the back door and slide in behind Aiko in the drivers seat. She and Kuroo are talking about somethign and don't acknowledge me and Kenma when we get in. I stare at the back of Aiko's seat waiting for her to say something, but she just pulls out still talking to, more accurately, over, Kuroo.

I glance over at Kenma, after feeling his eyes on me. How long has he been staring at me? "You're tense." He sates rather than asks. I nod. "Always." I whisper back. "Do you want me to give you a massage?" he asks. I look at his cute cat face. The only thing illuminating him is the street lights, which make him glow gold. I nod. "Yeah sure."

A Silent Court (Kenma Kozume x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum