Older Brother? (10)

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Me and Kenma are sitting on my bed, playing video games we both like, or the other one shows the other, a game they haven't played before. "Damnit," Kenma bites his tongue struggling to survive a round of COD we're playing. I giggle, and then I'm die instantly. I sigh dropping the switch on my legs, me and Kenma are laying decently close but decently far form each other at the top of my bed.

I glance at him and his face says that he just died too. I look at the time and it's 11:32. I wonder where all time went, how it sped itself up and flew out the window, the world is odd like that. Leaving me with questions all the time.

"I should get going," Kenma says sitting up on the edge of my bed. I look at him and nod, "let me drive you." He shakes his head. "No it's really late, and dark, I'm driving you." I flinch at the fact I sound like Aiko right now. Kenma silently accepts it.

I walk quickly through the living room but pause in the kitchen. "Want some of that pie?" I ask Kenma. A grin grows in his face. I grave some white and black tupperware container from the set we have. I cut out three large pieces. "N-no I don't need that much-" Kenma says embarrassed. "I'm the only one eating it here anyways, I don't need that much either." I say, glancing at my mom still hidden on the couch. I roll my eyes.

I hand Kenma the container, then we head to my car. "It's not that far from here." Kenma says buckling himself. I nod, "mind if I put on some music?" "It's your car." Kenma shrugs, and I realize he's right. I fidget with my car for a second till it connects to my phone. I play f/s (favorite song.) Kenma's eyes widen. "I like this band." He says as I pull out. I smile.

Kenma directs me to his house and we make it in less than four minutes. I stare at his house, 'it really wasn't far huh,' I think to myself. Kenma gets out of the car the pie sucker in his hand, then walks up to his door and fumbles to open the door. I start skipping about twenty songs till I find one in my overly-long-playlist that's mostly songs I don't lose my to anymore that I actual want to listen to.

I look up and Kenma is still standing at his door. He turns around like a little penguin and walks towards the car. I roll down the window wondering if he left something. "I'm locked out." He says embarrassed. I stare at him a moment. Hell am I supposed to do?

"Want to um come back to my place," I ask him, remembering when that happened to me and Aiko offered me to sleepover, although we would every night anyways.

"You could take me to Kuroo's he should still be up, only if it's no trouble I don't want to-" "get in." I say, harsher than I want to sound.

He shifts in the car setting his back pack on the ground and pie in his lap. He starts to direct me to Kuroo's house, which is about the same distance from my house to Kenma's.

Kenma exists my car, leaving his stuff this time. He knocks on Kuroo's fake-wood door, but no one answers, he knocks again, and again, but no one answers.

Kenma makes his way back slowly as if waiting for someone to answer. He gets in my car and kinda looks at me like how I look at Aiko when I want her to order for me. "You can stay over," I suggest again. Kenma thinks about it like he has somewhere else to go, then sighs like it's such a hassle. "Yeah okay." He turns forward but I can see him slightly smiling, which makes me smile, and I don't know why.

Once we get back I take him back to me room, and notice my mom has disappeared, which I think is for the better. We get in my room and awkwardly stand there a moment. "I don't really have anything you could wear for pajamas," I say slowly. "Well I have my older brothers sweaters and sweat pants but they might be a bit big." I ramble scrambling through my closet. "I didn't know you had a brother." Kenma says curiously. I nod on my tippy toes trying to grab my broths stuff. "He left Japan to go to collage." I bite my tounge thinking about him.

I grab my small desk chair to get to the top of my closet. "Are you guys close." Kenma ask. My heart fills with anger and I grab the large box quickly and feel the chair fall from under me. Oh great. Because this is so totally something that'd happen to me. I close my eyes I don't know what I think that's gonna solve but now I'm floating... wait what?

I open my eyes and Kenma caught me. "B-be careful," he mummers. I stand up quickly dropping the box. "Mm yeah, here there should be some stuff that you could wear in there I'm going to go change in the bathroom." I say all too quickly from embarrassment.

I pick out my favorite pajamas. Which is a sports bra like shirt and some super soft black leggings. I quickly wash my face and brush my teeth since I don't want to leave my company alone too long.

When I get back in my room I see Kenma in a bit big gray hoodie and red and black pajama pants. He looks so...cute? Adorable? Cuddly?

Ew why am I thinking this way. "Umm?" Kenma humms, and I realize I've been staring, but so has he. "S-sorry you look like my brother in that." I lie. He nods. "Do you want me to sleep in the living room or something," he ask. I shake my head. "We can share a bed if you don't mind." I walk past him to fix up the blankets a bit.

"Are you still tense or sore?" He asked hesitantly. I nod. "I'm never not. But your massage earlier helped a lot." I smile to myself. "Want me to give you another one, I can do it while we lay down." He says his words travel flirtatiously to my ears.

I'm facing the wall fixing my bed and I can still feel this curious set of eyes on my back, they're calling for more. My face heats up quickly. "Y-yeah sure." I say. "What side of the bed do you want?" I ask Kenma standing up and fixing my posture.

"Can I have the wall so I can charge my Nintendo," Kenma ask. I nod slowly letting him crawl into bed. I lay next to him, facing the opposite way. "Shoulders," Kenma asks adjusting himself. I nod rolling them a bit to make sure they even still work.

Kenma's hands meet my right shoulder and begin to gentle massage it. He has this unexplainable touch. My eyes start to flutter by his soothingness. His hands reach towards my inner shoulder, I think I let out an accidental moan, but I'm too tired to care or know.

My eyes do another set of flutter as Kenma reaches closer to my neck again. But this time hands pause at my shoulder and instead his lips touch my neck.

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