Chapter 10 - The Former Corporate Slave

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The school bell rang at 1:30 in the evening

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The school bell rang at 1:30 in the evening. Danial packed his books and stationary case into his school bag. Sharmila, who was sitting beside him did the same.

"What's your plan after school, Dan?" asked Sharmila.

"Forum practice. You?" asked Danial.

"Home and study, duh," answered Sharmila. "Need to catch up with everything before Joash starts to call for English drama practice. I bet it would be super busy when the practice started."

"Yup, it will," agreed Danial, but he didn't look like he was there in the conversation.

"Hey, you should not think too much about what happened to Clarissa, and anything that Joash uncovered just now. No one knows what happened between you and Clarissa two years ago, because a sworn secrecy had been made at that time," said Sharmila. Her hand reached to Danial's shoulder.

"She's gone, no one will know anything about it. Your secret is safe with me," assured Sharmila.

Danial just nodded.

"Now, cheer up," said Sharmila, while fixing Danial's shirt's collar. "You need to be your leader-like self during your forum practice with your angels. Charlie needs to be at his full throttle, with the mission to beat Sultan Suleiman in the forum competition."

Danial took a deep breath and said, "I thought you never cared about my achievements in my extracurricular activities?"

Sharmila smacked Danial's upper hand gently. "That forum practice has taken away your study time. You better win, Charlie."

"And," added Sharmila. "WhatsApp me later on your first encounter with Mr. Mifzal." Sharmila reached near to Danial's ears and whispered, "I want to know everything about our hot new Malay language teacher."

Sharmila then moved away from Danial and continued, "For my own research purposes... you know what I mean."

Sharmila left Danial and walked to the classroom door of 4 Science 2. Danial just looked at Sharmila walking, looking puzzled. No, Danial didn't know what Sharmila meant.

At 1:50 in the evening, Danial walked slowly to the computer lab to meet Felisa, Nora, and Anastasia for their forum practice. His mind was not in the present, when he was walking.

When he arrived at the front door of the computer lab, he didn't even realise that he already arrived at the computer lab. His mind was not even registering, when his hand was extended to pull the computer lab door to open it.  He held the door that automatically would be slammed shut with a loud bang if someone didn't hold it. He took off his shoes unknowingly and walked inside while still looking down. He was not aware of his surroundings until someone screamed, "WATCH OUT!"

Mifzal Azlan was walking quickly to the computer lab door, carrying a few bundles of stacked A4 papers. Danial forgot that the floor of the computer lab could be slippery to walk with socks on. Something to do with the floor tiles of the lab. Danial's foot did slip and he lost his balance. He fell and used Mifzal's body as a support, to ensure he was not falling. But, Mifzal was not ready for that. The heavy A4 papers slid from his hands and flew to his back. Danial's head hit Mifzal's hard rock chest. The computer lab's door slammed and closed with a huge thud sound. Mifzal fell on his back, but raised his head to ensure his head was not hit to the floor to avoid concussion.

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