Chapter 13 - Son of Mary of Teck

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Roslaina Rizal opened the steamer on her kitchen's gas stove

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Roslaina Rizal opened the steamer on her kitchen's gas stove. White in colour steam lashed out from the metal strainer of the steamer, containing peeled potatoes cut in half. She transferred the steamed potatoes into a bowl and mashed it.

After the potatoes were mashed with a minimal amount of chunks, she seasoned it with fried chopped onion, fried chopped garlic, fried parsley, ground coriander, a dash of salt, white pepper, and black pepper. She mixed the potato mixture with a silicon-made spatula.

After the potato mixture was blended together, she formed the potato into a round disc shape, bathed it in a bowl filled with beaten eggs, and laid it into a pot filled with hot cooking oil.

While observing the potato being fried, Roslaina heard her kitchen's door being unlocked. Danial Izzani opened the door and entered. His school bag was hanging at the back of his body. His hair looked messier compared to this morning. His white school shirt was no longer pressed smoothly and looked a bit crinkly. His shirt was already tucked out from his dark green pants.

"Assalamualaikum, Mama," greeted Danial.

"Waalaikumsalam, my son," replied Roslaina, still looking at her potato disc, sizzling in the pool of clear brown bubbling oil. "I'm cooking bergedil today. Crispy fried chicken is in the air fryer. Sambal belacan with tempoyak and petai are in the fridge. Go shower, and then come back down to eat with me. I also haven't got my lunch." 

Danial looked at the back of his mother. Her focus was still not diverted from her gas stove. "Did you tell my headmistress that I can play the violin?" asked Danial suddenly.

Roslaina, who was flipping the potato bergedil in the hot cooking oil, paused her right hand from navigating her spatula. She turned to her back slowly to take a look at her son. "I think it did slip from my tongue in one of our Quran recital classes," confessed Roslaina.

Danial softly warned, "Don't cross with me if you get to know that your son is no longer sticking to only one extracurricular activity in school. That information received by Madam Dayang about me being able to play the violin, gave her ideas. I'm now playing it for the Tengku Simpulan Intan choir team."

Roslaina nodded. "Yeah, I know," she said casually.

"You know?" asked Danial rhetorically.

"You think only Loki is deemed Master of Mischief?" joked Roslaina. "Your headmistress is the Goddess of Mischief in Megaputra. When she has projects or conspiracies or missions to run, she plans it carefully. In this case, getting you to play the violin. As she well understands that I won't let you get burned out from too many activities like last year, she talked to me first, persuaded me to allow you to have another one extracurricular activity that you can invest your time in."

"Mother!" exclaimed Danial. "You know that I have never played the violin publicly."

"Then, why did you say yes to Madam Dayang's request?" refuted Roslaina. "I allowed her to ask you. I expect you to decline it. Why did you say yes?" Roslaina looked at her son, raising her left eyebrow.

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