Chapter 14

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Narrator's POV

It was now morning, and everyone was awake and getting ready to get on the road. Captain Mitchell and the boys went to the barn and got the horses so that they could continue the long journey. Once the horses were out, the boys began packing and getting ready for what's to come. When they finished, the Captain asked for them to stand in a straight line.

Mitch: Alright! Now, before we get going, I thought we could do some training before we hit the road.

Reggie: What kind of training?

Mitch: Oh, you'll see.

Just then, the girls came out with their training clothes. And it was just like all the guys knew this won't end well.

Mitch: We are going to train with the girls.

Alex: No way! The last time we fought Julie, we got our butts kicked. I still have that bruise on my stomach from the last time we fought.

Mitch: That's why we need this training. You need to go up against an unlikely opponent, and the girls agreed to help.

Luke: Nope, I'm not doing it.

Flynn: Seems like the toughest knight is afraid of being beaten by a few girls.

Luke: You really want to start something?

Mitch: Okay, that's enough. What we are going to do is that we are going to train as a team. Once we finish, we're back on the road.

Willie: Alright, what are the teams going to be?

Mitch: Boys against Girls.

Reggie: But there's two of them and four of us.

Mitch: That's why one of you will volunteer to be in the girls' team.

Alex: *raise hand* I'll do it! Sorry guys, but I don't want to get another bruise from Julie.

Alex walked over to the girls, and the girls high-fived him.

Mitch: Looks like it's decided. Now, here's what's going to happen. There are going to be three rounds of combat. The boys are a team, and the girls, including Alex, are a team. Here are the rules. Each round has two minutes. If you can manage to get a member of the opposite team out of the circle, they can't play in the next round. Whoever is the last one standing wins.

Everyone agreed to the rules and followed Mitch to the big circle he drew. Once there, Mitch asked them to get a bo staff and get into a fighting staff.

Mitch: Ready?

Everyone made eye contact with the opposite team in front of them.

Mitch: Fight!

And just like that, they were fighting. Alex was fighting Luke, Julie was fighting Reggie, and Flynn was fighting Willie. It was an intense battle. Reggie was out first, which meant there were only two boys left.

Flynn and Willie battle was getting more and more difficult. Although Flynn was strong, Willie was strategic. He noticed that her stance wasn't the strongest, so he got down and did a circular kick, knocking Flynn down.

Even though she was still in the circle, her head was just above the line. Mitch noticed this and walked over to Flynn.

Mitch: Sorry, Flynn, you're out.

Flynn: What? But I was in the circle.

Mitch: Yes, but your head wasn't. So, you're out.

Flynn wanted to retaliate, but she knew it would go nowhere. She shook her head and walked to Reggie, who was sitting on the ground.

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