Alternate Ending!

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Ha! Bet you didn't expect this! Well, this is something that I thought up when I reread my story and just thought this would make a different/maybe better ending. I know a lot of you guys like the current one, but I thought I'd just share this one and see what you guys think! Also, Skylar wasn't born in this. And what Trevor looks like in my mind is above.😉

Time set back to when Ty saw the picture of Adam and Jason kissing

Ty's POV:
That picture. That damn picture.

I saw Adam's frantic look as he came running towards me, excuses flying out of his mouth nonstop. "Okay, we're going to go somewhere private, you're going to explain what the hell that is, and we'll go from there, m'kay?" He nodded quickly. We went to the men's washroom and locked the door. "You have 10 minutes." He looked thankful and then started his spiel.

"Was this just a one time thing?" He looked down for a while, but then shook his head no. I figured. "How long has this been going on?" He didn't want to say. I could tell. "About a month after the wedding." This fucker. "I see. So tell me, starting from the beginning, what have you guys been doing?" I needed to know.

"Well, it was a night when you had already gone to sleep and I was still wide awake. I heard a knock at the door, and it was Jason. I told him to come in, we talked for a while, and then things got a bit more heated." "How heated?" "We had sex..." Oh, just fucking great. "After that, it just became kind of routine to do it every night." "Was it just sex or..." "Well it varied. Sometimes it was just sex, other times it was blowjobs or other stuff." I'm going to be sick. I thought I was the only one. I was disgusted. "Was there any feelings involved?" "No. There was never any emotion, it was just lust." There was a long pause as I thought of my next question. "Did you ever tell him you loved him?"

There was an even longer pause. I had my answer, but I needed to hear him say it. "Yes." And I was gone.

I stormed out of the washroom with Adam right behind me screaming at me to slow down. But I was done. I stopped outside of the place and told him with a stern tone,"You have until tomorrow to get all your shit packed up and leave."

And that was that. We got divorced and life went on for the both of us.

~Time skip 2 years~

I was currently here with Trevor, my new boyfriend, getting pretty intimate. He had pushed me into the bed, making sure to make me feel all the love I could. We were both shirtless and taking off our trousers when he said something that made me stop. "I love you." And we went on.

The next morning, I woke up naked with a set of tan arms laying across my chest. "Morning beautiful. Sleep well?" I nodded at the sweet greeting. "Are we going to Starbucks today?" He kissed me on the cheek and replied,"Yep. Your morning voice sounds adorable by the way." I poked him in the ribs playfully and kissed him.

We got up and did our normal routine. Shower, fix hair, eat breakfast, you know. And when we were all ready, we head out for Starbucks.

We walked hand in hand up to the place and Trevor graciously opened the door for me. God he was such an amazing boyfriend. I have never been this happy in my entire life.

We got in the shop and I politely excused myself to go to the washroom.

Adam's POV:

Life will never turn out how you expect it to.

I thought that me and Ty we're going to be married forever, start a family, and I just sort of figured that is sort out Jason later. But of course, life isn't perfect.

Me and Jason still continued our daily fucks, however we didn't exactly classify ourselves as a couple. It was like I told Ty before we broke up, there were no real feelings involved, just pure lust. Every night was just a quick fuck to give ourselves both pleasure.

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