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Adam's POV:

What have I done? The love of my life is about to kill himself, and I'm yelling at him? What kind of monster am I? I knew that the picture was photoshop, and I wanted him to see that, but this? I've gone too far. Just yell and try and get him down. "Ty! Ty! Don't do this! What about me?! What about Skylar?! I don't want to be a single parent! I can't do this without you! I love you! I never meant to do this! I'm sorry! I love you!" He was ignoring all of them, and jumped.

"TY!" I ran down the emergency exit and to the front of the building. He was knocked out, covered in blood, and not moving. "Ty!" I kneeled down next to him, picked him up, and started crying. I pulled out my phone and called 911. "Please help! My husband just attempted suicide! I'm at *enter address here*! Please hurry!" They came quicker than I expected and took him from my arms. "Please! Let me go with you! I love him! Please." They said okay and let me in the ambulance.

When we got to the hospital, they told me I had to wait outside while they did everything they could to get him back. I stood outside crying, sobbing, wishing that it was me and not him. Knowing that it was me who made him like this, kills me even more. Thanks to me, he Skylar will have to- Skylar! I have to call her! This will break her heart. But she deserves to know what's happened to her dad. This will be the call I dread for the rest of my life. "Hey daddy! What's up?" She sounded so happy. "Um, sweetie? Could you come down to the hospital next to Minecon?" "What happened?" She said sternly. "Please just come down here, and take Betty to uncles Mitch and Jerome." "But-" "Please! Skylar! Just come down here now." I hung up, and started bawling again.

Skylar came running in 20 minutes later. "What's wrong? Are you okay? What happened? Where's dad?" She ran up to me and hugged me, something she hasn't done in a long time. Her face was in my chest, and I could feel teardrops on my shirt. We pulled away and I looked into her tear-stained, dark blue eyes. "He's dead, isn't he?" Her voice was shaky and I never wanted to hear that tone again. "No, he's not dead, but he's in a coma." She shook her head in denial. "No, no, no, this can't be happening! I just got together with Betty! I was the happiest I've been in my whole life! And now my dad's in a coma?!" I went to hug her again but she pushed me away. "Fuck off dad." And that was the last thing she said before she drove away, driving to our house where she could be alone.

~~~~~~~Time skip 3 weeks~~~~~~

Ty's POV:

Where am I? It's all white and blurry. Wait, am I in a hospital...again?! God dammit! Why can't I just die?! Why can't I have anything I want?! I just want to die! Can't people see that!? Okay, don't panic, just pull the plug. I reached over and right as my fingertips were on the cord, another hand grabbed mine. I looked up quickly, wanting to know who would stop me from getting what I want. Adam. Of course. "What do you want? Shouldn't you be with Jason?" I said coldly. "Ty, you have to believe me. That was photoshop! Why would I date Jason, let alone KISS him, rather than you?" "I don't know, maybe because he's smarter, cuter, funnier, overall better than me?!" My eyes were infuriated, but my heart was cold and empty. "Ty! You really think that I would choose him over you?! I have never had a desire to hold him, kiss him, be with him for the rest of my life, raise a child with, be happy with him. But I have wished all of those things with you. And it happened with you." His eyes were a deep blue. There was no sign of anger or hatred in them, just despair.

"But why? Why me? I'm just an emo, scrawny, faggot who should just-" He stopped me with a kiss. A longing, desperate kiss, but filled with love and care. He pulled back and said, "Skylar knows, but she won't believe it." "Skylar knows?!?! Oh god, I must seem like the most selfish person in the world." "You are, to her." His face was starting to get happier, and that's all I've wanted him to be. I'm such a hypocrite. "Come lay with me." I patted the space next to me while he came and snuggled up close and I put my head in his chest. "I love you." He finally spoke up. "I love you too."


Hey guys! How was that chapter? Did it satisfy your needs? I hope so. I also want to thank you for 3K reads! Yay! I love you all and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye! <3

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