Taking Care of Skylar

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Sky's POV:
It's only been a week since Ty had Skylar, and it's slowly killing the both of us. Not literally of course. But she screams and vets in the middle if the night and me and Ty have to take turns taking care of her, and it's hard. I'm not complaining that we have a daughter, no, not at all. There have been lots of moments when she's been extremely adorable, just like Ty. It's just...ugh. I can't explain enough. Right now she's asleep on Ty's chest and me and him are cuddling watching a baby care video, since we don't know what the hell we're doing. She really was beautiful though. She was wearing a onesie that I bought her that said "Daddy's girl" on it. She had her thumb in her mouth while her hair was over her eyes. Even for a week old, she had a lot of hair. She gets that from Ty I guess. Suddenly her eyes shot open, a wonderful shade of green. Thank god, she's happy. She looked up at Ty and me and smiled that cute smile that Ty always wore. I was worried about one thing though. I knew that this new generation, all of the new born children from now on, will have a soulmate system. Basically, until they turn 16 they have this timer on their wrist that tells you the amount of time before you meet your soulmate. When they're 16, they'll find them. No matter if it's one day before their 17th birthday or on their 16th birthday. It will happen at 16. It's weird I know but that's how it seems to be working. Skylar should be getting hers on her first birthday, and I'm scared. I think Ty knows I am too, but he always calms me down by telling me that that's not going to happen for a while. He's right, isn't he? I'll just enjoy living in the now, otherwise I'll miss all the exciting moments with Skylar and Ty. God, I love them both so much it hurts. It's kind of still hard to believe, that me, Adam Dahlberg, is a father of Skylar Dahlberg. Yes, Ty decided that once Skylar turns 5 we'll have a wedding, I already bought a ring. He's taking my name. Oh god, this is so stressful, oh well, just think of the now, taking care of Skylar.

Hey guys! So, did you like the chapter? I know that I really like when stories have soulmates in them so I figured, why not in my own? Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!<3Bye!

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