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Skylar's POV: (before the call)

This is the life. Me and my girlfriend just laying on my bed, watching South Park. Perfection. She's never seen it before and her first experience watching it was her shouting, 'That's so offensive!' the whole time. I think that's everyone's first reaction. Anyways, during this relaxing time, I asked Betty to share more about her life, at home and school and such. I found out that she's an expert in combat, she's super popular in school, and all of her favorites.

Betty's Favorites:

Number: 7

Saying: 'If you can dream it, you can do it.' ~Walt Disney

Movie: The Fault In Our Stars

Song: Still Into You by Paramore

Band: 5 Seconds of Summer

Music Genre: Pop

Color: Sky blue

Food: Fish

Holiday: Valentines Day

Season: Spring

However, she was different from me completely. Especially in school. She was the most popular girl in school where as I, was bullied. A lot. But, we go to the same school. Yeah. She doesn't know I am,and she never will, as long as I know. As I was lost in thought, I heard a soft snoring above me. She had fallen asleep. How cute! Well, I guess we shouldn't waste electricity. I carefully got up from her lap and went to turn off the tv. As soon as I came back, I snuggled up close to her in a ball and tried to go to sleep as well.

That didn't last long because right as I was slipping into a deep sleep, I get a call from my dad. "Hey daddy! What's up?" "Um sweetie? Could you come down to the hospital next to Minecon?" He sounded so worried and scared, I knew something really bad happened. "What happened?" "Please just come here, and take Betty to uncles Mitch and Jerome." He sounded like he was about to break down, but I wanted to know what was going on. "But-" "Skylar! Please! Just come down here now." I hung up, infuriated and flustered. I had just gotten together with Betty! I had just started to figure my life out! Goddamn it! Now I have to wake up Betty and explain to her why I have to go to the hospital. Oh wait! I don't even know why.

"Hey, love, wake up." I tried my best to wake her without disturbing her peacefulness. She opened her baby blue eyes and responded with a groggy voice,"What-what time is it?" "It's about 2:37 in the afternoon." She looked at me with a surprised and confused face. "And why are you up at this unholy hour?" She smiled cutely. "Because, I have to drop you off at your house while I go to the hospital." She shot up from the bed, eyes wide. "What?! Why?! Are you hurt?! What's wrong?!" "Look, I'm fine, but my dad called and told me that something happened and that I needed to go to the hospital alone." "Okay, but Sky?" "Yes?" She pulled me in by the collar of my shirt and kissed me. When we pulled away, she was smiling, but her face showed worry and concern. "Hey, I'll be fine. I'll drop you off, and meet you back in about an hour, sound good?" "Okay."

It took me only 10 minutes for her to actually agree to let me go alone. God, I love her so much. Anyways, I got to the hospital and ran out of the car and into the building where my dad was waiting inside. I ran into his arms and asked him what was wrong. When I pulled away, his face was red and his eyes were dark blue and puffy. He had been crying. Then, I noticed that my other dad wasn't there. "He's dead, isn't he?" I tried to stay strong. "No, but he's in a coma." I wouldn't believe it. I had just started to get my shit together and now this happens!? My dad, in a coma?! I wouldn't take it. I wanted to argue still. He tried to hug me again but I pushed him away. "Fuck off dad." And that's the last thing I said, before I drove home to think to myself.

As soon as I got home, I ran to my room. How could this happen? Just a few minutes ago, I was relaxing with my girlfriend on this very bed. My life is so screwed up. I just want Betty to be here and tell me it's gonna to be okay and that she loves me. But who could? Who could really, honestly love me? I was a mistake, my parents didn't plan me. I was a mistake. Over the days I've spent with Betty, I've realized how much I need her in my life. I was a wreck before her. And school starts again on Monday, fuck! I don't want to go back to a life of depression and blood. If it's genetic, I got it from my dad. I just need bad. I'm lost and hopeless without her. Lets face it, I would be dead without her.

My arms started to itch like crazy after that. I decided to go get Betty, she doesn't know about my problem, and hopefully it'll stay that way. For now, I'll just tell her I'm feeling sick and I need her to take care of me. Alright, let's go get Betty.


Hey guys! So, I just saw The Fault In Our Stars. I'm crying as hard as I can. Sorry, just a little side note there. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye!

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