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Ty's POV:

        The morning was pretty relaxing to be honest. I know you probably expected me to be like: Hi, I got divorced with Adam, went off and married Tyler (MunchingBrotato), had two more kids, and got a degree in fucking with people. But no, sorry. Nothing has changed that much. But today, I had plans to go and babysit my older sister's son. His name is Sean. (Not Fujiyoshi) And he is so cute! He's got dimples on both sides of his chubby little cheeks, he wears backwards hats, and he's just an adorable baby that I can't even comprehend. (You can tell i'm obsessed with hartbeat)

        Anyways, back to the present. Right now, me and Adam are making breakfast for ourselves. He's working on eggs and bacon, while I work on pancakes and sausage. And this whole time that we're cooking, Adam keeps on making jokes about how well I am with sausage. I swear he's a 9 year old in a grown man's body. "Hey babe, when do you have to go to your sister's?" "Around noon why?" "Just wondering." He was defiantly not just wondering. Oh well, i'll leave it alone for now. 

        We sat at the table once our food was done and ate, quickly might I add, and when I decided to look at the clock, it was 11:30. "What?! It takes 30 minutes just to get to her house! If you count out traffic!" I rushed and grabbed everything I would need and ran out the door. But before I could start the car, Adam came running out of the house and right to the car where he leaned in and kissed me, telling me to be safe, and that he loved me. After that, I started the car and tried not to run any red lights just to get to my sister's house on time. You see, her and her husband were going out to celebrate their 5 year anniversary at a fancy restaurant. How cute.

        When I got there, it was 12:05. Only 5 minutes late, I was proud of myself. I knocked on the door and immediately got tackled by Giada. That's my sister's name. "Little bro! How've you been? You know what, too late. I got to go. Bye! Love you!" She kissed me on the cheek and scurried off with Will, her husband. Now the only thing standing in the doorway, was Sean.

        "Hey buddy. It's uncle Ty, remember?" He was about two years old, so not the smartest, but defiantly the cutest and sweetest. He nodded his head and pulled me inside the house. "Ty come see room." He grabbed my hand and lead me up to his room filled with robot and dinosaur toys. "It's very nice Sean, what do you want to do?" If I know anything about kids, the objective is to keep them occupied and entertained at all times. "Play dinos." He was really into these dinosaurs huh? I shrugged and picked up a Pterodactyl with a wing broken off. "What happened to his wing?" He looked at the toy and then at me,"He wanted to fly, but then he remembered that he didn't exist anymore, and fell down to the ground, where he should be." I just looked at him with amazement. How could a two year old, know more about life than me? He was saying that if you couldn't achieve your dream or desire, than you should just stick with what people think you're supposed to do. I had to teach him differently.

        "Sean, this dinosaur shouldn't be on the ground, he should keep on trying to fly, trying to reach what he really wants to be happy, not just what he's supposed to do." He nodded his head in understanding and continued to play with the T-rex. I think I might have thought a kid a life lesson.

        The rest of the day went by quickly with few problems. I was so happy about that. On my way home, I couldn't help but wonder what Adam was doing. And thinking about that, causes me to almost get into a car crash. I was fine though, nothing actually happened. By the time I got home, I saw a note on the kitchen counter reading,"

        Dear Ty,

                I've gone out to buy some groceries so if you get back before I do, don't worry. I'm safe, you're safe, and I love you. I should come back at around 7, doing a big shopping trip today. Don't do anything too interesting while i'm gone. -__- Again, I love you! 

                                                                                                                                        Love, Adam

        Okay? That was cute and worrying. Even though he said not to, I couldn't help it. At least it wasn't bad enough to give me a anxiety attack. I didn't do anything exciting really while I was alone. Just thought about Pokemon and life. The usual. After a while I got bored and decided to watch some YouTube. I went onto one of my favorite channels, PewDiePie. I mean, who doesn't like him. C'mon, you're just lying to yourself. Anyways, I was watching his most recent one, Rage Quit. Oh my god so funny. I genuinely enjoy anything he uploads.

        I was bored beyond belief after watching hours of PewDiePie. I had ran out of humor. I was bored. I don't know if you can tell, but i'm really fucking bored and exhausted. I decided to take a nap to get rid of this boredom and the last thing I thought of before I slipped into an ocean full of dreams, was my husband. Adam.


                Hey guys! So, I know this isn't updated on a Monday, i'm sorry. But early on Tuesday's better than nothing right? No....okay. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Love you, lush you! Less than three! Bye!

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