The Nurse

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Adam's POV:

That nurse wasn't just any nurse. She tried to hide her identity, but I could still see her real self. It was Alesa. And she whispered something to me that I probably shouldn't have heard.

'You better keep your precious family safe, you never know what might happen to them.'

To say I was petrified would be a huge understatement. That bitch better keep her hands off of my husband and daughter if she knows what's best for her. I can't believe I used to date her. What the hell was i thinking? All of my emotions right now were either anger or terror. What was she going to do to them? Did she still have feelings for me? How can I protect my family? That's all I could think about the whole ride home.

When we did get home, I went into the bedroom with Ty on my trail. As soon as I got in the room, there stood a very angry Ty in front of me. He was standing against the door with arms folded. "Hey Ty, is anything wrong?" He just looked at me with the 'Are you kidding me?' eyes and stepped closer to me. "What did that nurse say?" I decided to use the dumb approach and act like I didn't know what he was talking about. "What nurse?" "Adam, you've played that trick your whole life, but don't expect your husband not to know that you know exactly what I'm talking about." Damn he's smart.

"Well, um, she just told me to make sure you take your medication before bed." I lied. "Bullshit Adam. Do you not trust me? Is that it?" There were tears starting in his eyes. "No, no, no, baby. That's not it at all. I trust you 100%" "Then why won't you tell me?!" He was getting louder by the word. "I just-I don't want to worry you." I sighed in defeat, knowing that now I would have to tell him. He gave me the 'go one' look and I explained what I had heard and that it was Alesa.

"Oh my god! What are we going to do?!" He started pacing around the room, hands in his hair, messing it up and then fixing it again. "Babe, calm down, everything will be fine." He stopped mid-pace and turned to look at me,"Calm down? Calm down?!?! My family's in danger and you're telling me to calm down?!" "Well I'm sorry, but I thought I would tell you to be a good husband." "Tell me?! I had to force you to tell me!" He began pacing again and muttering to himself. This continued on for about 15 minutes.

He then proceeded to sit on our bed next to me and looked me deep in the eyes. I started to lean in and to my surprise, he was already half way there. I kissed him gently, and automatically felt at ease. It had been a while since we had a real kiss that wasn't entirely filled with need. Things got a bit more heated as I pushed him on the bed, not once breaking the kiss. With me on top, he started to unbutton my shirt but got interrupted with a knocking at the door.

We both jumped out of bed, and went to go answer the front door. It was Skylar's best friend Olivia. She sounded like she was hyperventilating and she kept on waving her hands around like she was panicking. The classic signs of a fangirl attack. Ty was the first one to speak up,"Olivia! Come in! Who is it? 5SOS? All Time Low? Sleeping With Sirens? Who?" She glared at him but nonetheless came inside. She went and sat down on our couch while she kept constantly checking her phone. She never looked up once to ask,"Is Sky here?" "No, why?" She just looked at me with disbelief, her mouth the shape of an 'o'. "Why? Why?! 5 Seconds of Summer just finished their live show! And they ended it in the worst possible way!" (I wrote this on the 1st which is when they actually did their live stream, and I watched it.) Ty was better at this kind of stuff so I just sat back and watched as they went on for hours about how cute Luke Hemmings was -excuse me- is, according to them. But I don't know, telling from the pictures I saw, Ashton was my favorite.

Anyways, about an hour later, Olivia finished her rant by telling us how scared she was for the boys as they were climbing down the side of the building. Man that live show sounded awesome, even for me. By the time she had finished, it was 12:30 and almost pitch black outside. I basically had to kick her out and tell her that Skylar wasn't coming home tonight. Now, since you know everybody else's appearance, I'll tell you Olivia's.

Hair Color: Medium brown with blonde tips

Eye Color: Brown

That's pretty much all I can tell you about Olivia. The only other thing is that her and Skylar have been best friends since 1st grade. Yeah, that long. Anyways, after she left Ty went somewhere to call Skylar and make sure she knew that Olivia came over while I, went and laid down on our bed where unconsciousness soon began to sweep over me.


Hey guy! So, shout out to my amazing aunt Olivia who I decided to add into the story just because she deserves it. And yes that is her real appearance and she does have fangirl attacks over 5SOS. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Bye! Less than three!

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