1st ch

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Somewhere in burial mountain was odd, someone was crying his heart out. no one was there or it was what he thought.after some time he heard sobbing sound of a child. he saw a three or four years child sitting in tree hole and sobbing. he took the child in his arms and wipe his tears "what is your name?"asked the man "wen yuan."the child reply sniffing.

"where are your parents?"he again asked"they left me alone to meet there friend but didn't return.". "oh....my name is lan Wangji."."why are you here?"asked wen yuan. Lan Wangji was silent. After some time he replied"i came to take someone but I could not. Do you know someone by the name of wei WuXian or...m..my..wei ying?"

The boy looked at him disbelief"you know my a-niang?"."a..niang..you ..you are the boy who was with wei ying in the market."asked lan Wangji. Yeah I was always with him".
A smile took place on lan Wangji's lips.
"You are wei ying's a-yuan.". "Hmm."."wanna come with me,to my house?"
The small boy nodded. Lan Wangji took him in baby style and fly to ciyi town.

He took him to inn. Rented a room for them, and told the owner to make a bath ready and bring clothes for the child. Lan
Wangji went to his room and help the child to take bath.

After some time their dinner arrived.
Lan Wangji ordered some sweets and the food was both spicy and gusu style as he didn't know what a-yuan likes.
It became curfew time for cloud recess and it was against lan Wangji to go there, so they both slept on the same bed.

A-yuan hugged lan Wangji's arm in sleep.
Lan Wangji saw this and wipe his hair from his forehead. In morning he took him to cloud recess and take him to jingshi. He made him take a bath and changed his clothes to new clothes.

A-yuan was happy to see his new clothes and new home.

Lan Wangji went to Hanshi meet his brother, lan xichen. He was meditating when he heard a knock on the door,"come in."he said. "Brother." Lan Wangji replyed. "Yes Wangji." He said as he read his brothers's expression, which was mix of sorrow, loneliness, guilt.

But deep down he can see...., he can see a bit of relief." Brother, I want to adopt a child.", Lan xichen looked at him with a confused expression,"what do you mean wangji ? I don't understand." He replied in a calm manner.

"I found a little boy in my way, he was alone, his parents got killed by other clan, so, i took him with me, he is in jingshi right now." Lan xichen smiled a little and replyed," sure wangji if that is what you want, you can." .
"I will treat him like my own child, Brother.". "I believe in you, wangji, i know you will." Lan xichen smiled a little as he only wants his brother's happiness.

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It is my first time writing anything.
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And last thanks for giving me your precious time 💟😽

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