10th ch

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"sect leaders, my name is xiawan. I am a cultivator also as you are. And my mother is one of the great cultivator, but i can't tell you her name. She sent me here to help you all in finding the real culprit, and that's the only information i can give you", xiawan said.

Sect leader nie asked,"how can we trust you?"
"Just give me a chance, and lan sizhui also know me personally. He is my good friend, you can ask him.", xiawan said.

Nie mingjue nodded his head to his servant to call lan sizhui.

Sizhui entered and his eyes landed on xiawan. His eyes widened in fear.
"Sizhui do you know this boy standing here?", lan xichen asked.
Sizhui recovered from the shock when lan xichen spoke. He immediately bow to everyone sitting there.
"Sect leader, yes I know him. Very well.", sizhui said.

"Long time no see, sizhui, you did not come to meet me, so I came here to see you.", xiawan said.

"I did but you were not there, they said you were at home. So, after some time I returned 'cause my presence was needed " sizhui said.
Nah. It's aLL right. Let's just catch up with a cup of tea. Shall  we?"

Sizhui smiled at his friend and nodded his head in agreement.

After some time

Sizhui dragged xiawan to his tent and locked it with talisman.

"Wuji, what are you doing here?", he whisper shout at xiawan.
"Yuan-ge are not you happy that we meet after so.. many days?", xiawan said with a pout on His face.

"Does a-niang know?", sizhui asked with a worried tone.
"He is the one who sent me here. He wanted to have a eye on everyone here to know about their plan.", xiawan said in a serious voice. "But little did they know.", "he is around us everytime." Both said in a union and smiled widely.

"Yuan-ge, let's me A-die. It's been a while and I know how shocked he was." Xiawan said while dragging sizhui with him out of the tent.

Lan Wangji was sitting with other sect leaders. It has been nearly three months, they are searching for wei WuXian. They have already searched half of the cultivator world but he was nowhere to be seen.
   But the thing they didn't know was that he was always under their nose.
Xiawen reached there and bow to every sect  leader and member.
"Hanguang-jun", xiawan said. "Hmm. You need anything, xiawan." "Aa.. yeah actually I wanted to meet you.. that' all.", xiawan said while looking down.

    Lan Wangji's POV

I was sitting with other clan members when Wuji and a-yuan come. sadness was clear in his eyes when I first saw him. but now his cheerful side is out as he meet his brother. he always wanted to see me with other clan members. he is my and wei ying's biological son.
  Wei ying was pregnant with my child for one month in never night City. so, I decided to take him with me to burail mountain and treat him.

    Wuji have my eye colours but his eyeshape remind me of his a-niang.
       "Let's have a tea together", I said and his eyes sparked with happiness. I got up and bow to other and left with my both sons. both of them I like my own child.   
    I never differentiate between them. Yuan was only 3 year old when he born. I still remember his bright smile when he first took wuji in his arms.
    Wuji's behaviour is just like my wei ying, but a-Yuan is like me sometimes, strict rules but helping the needy people.
We came inside my tent and i placed a silence talisman.
"A-die, are you angry on me?" Wuji said with a pout.
"How can I get angry at my little bun", I said and chuckled at his behaviour.
"But yuan-ge is", he said and we chuckled. again.
"Let's come to the point. shall we?" both of them became serious after that

A new update

I know a late update but school is really really boaring. don't know and finals are coming so I don't have much time to publish here....❤️🖤💙
But WANGXIAN for lifetime
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Please recommend me some wangxian ff 😊

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