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An AU because I feel like it haha.
A late nod to Halloween

It's supposed to be scary.
A ghost usually is.
Especially one with a presence this strong and persistently haunted the night.

It was supposed to be.

But Win was anything but scared.

He was comforted.

For once he wasn't alone.

The first night they met as the ghost hovered over Win, who had fallen asleep in his study.

Win will admit to screaming when he saw the floating figure.

But the spectre looked so sad before it vanished that Win vowed never to shout in its presence again.

It took a few silent nights of just being together before Win discovered the ghost could talk. Well, not really talk but communicate telepathically.

The ghost says he can't remember his name but he's pretty sure it starts with a B. And so that's what Win called him -B.

Anyone who knew Win, knows he's a workaholic. A businessman with a passion for script writing. And by extension, he was also anxious and an insomniac.
In the last year, he's also been a recluse.
He broke his heart you see and-
honestly, he didn't want to talk about it.

Well, he didn't except if you were a translucent supernatural being named B.
Win found talking to B so easy. Past adventures, current apprehensions, deep hurts, anything and everything could be shared in B's presence.

And B seemed to feel the same. He told Win all he could remember. Win discovered the house used to belong to B, it was smaller then and he mainly used it as a recording studio. He even showed W the dusty vinyls of his old work. And music he used to collect.

They danced. They conversed. They watched the sun rise together. 

It became their routine.

- - -

Win told himself over and over that what he had with B was friendship. A beautiful one he could explain to no one. But a friendship nonetheless.

He didn't want to think it was anything else. Anything more. This was insane enough as it is. He's one step away from an asylum. He didn't need a reason to be locked up in a padded cell. He didn't need feelings.

But love isn't something you can control.

Much like we have no control over life and the after life. And everything in between.

Didn't one of Win's favorite authors once say it best: And if love be madness. May I never find sanity again.

With B, Win was sure, he was never to find his.

- - -

B loves Win.

It seemed impossible at first as he didn't even have a heart anymore. His was quite literally dust.

But was it really so impossible? More impossible as W pulling him out of an endless limbo and back into the world of the living? Well, somewhat the world of the living.

B loves him. More than he has loved anyone or anything in his lifetime and now.

He loved him more than music.
And that, that is saying something.

But it was true. He was swirling with joy he never felt. Perhaps, this was heaven. His reward.

Perhaps. But it could not last.

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