Chapter 2

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Her parents saw her at the door and her mother ran to her.Her mother immediately hugged her while her father went inside, "Ayame..." her mother cried hugging her tightly "Ayame, what happened?" she questioned looking down at Ayame's blood soaked kimono. " she's dead." Ayame managed tears rolling down her cheeks, "Who?, Who's dead?" her mom questioned.Ayame took a shaky breath before she answered "...A-...Aia, mama, Aia's dead." Ayame said sobbing, her mom looked at Ayame in disbelief hoping that it wasn't true but  Ayame gave her no reason to believe it wasn't true. "Oh, my dear.Aia's poor,poor mother." Ayame's mom muttered, still holding her child close.

After a few minutes Ayame's mother took her inside where her father was waiting, he didn't say anything when Aayame and her mother walked by.Ayame's mother prepared her a bath, Ayame took off her blood soaked kimono and handed it to her mother,she got in the bath and washed herself off while her mother washed her hair.Neither of them talked, once they were done Ayame got changed into her sleepwear and put on a haori over it.Ayame's mother took her to her room neither of them talked on the they didn't even try to make conversation,once they were inside her room her mother shut the sliding door "Your father went to tell the kikuchi family about the news." Ayame's mother told her calmly, Ayame didn't reply, she just nodded silently.

"Well, I'll leave you be, goodnight dear." Ayame's mother said and with that left the room.Ayame got or at least tried to get ready for bed, she got her futon laid it out and slipped into it not even bothering to take her haori off,she took out Aia's hairpin the one she had been wearing,the one she absolutely loved.She stared at the hair pin for a while before she broke out crying, she hadn't fully grasp the fact that Aia had died, that she would never see her again, nor talk to her, or hug her.Ayame cried all night, she didn't sleep at all but one thing she was sure of was that she wanted,no needed to become a demon slayer.

A few days after Aia's death her parents held her funeral. The Hayashi family attended, everyone except Ayame couldn't bear to go not after what she had been through, most of the time after Aia's death Ayame just stayed in her room,crying.After the funeral Mr and Mrs Hayashi came back,Ayame's mother gave her a small wooden box, her mother didn't tell her anything about what was inside the box she just handed it to her and left her alone.Ayame opened the box and looked inside, inside was a haori, Aia's haori it was white with a pattern some koi fish swimming in a stream of water at the bottom and on the sleeves it was a beautiful haori, a beautiful haori that had once belonged to Aia.Ayame already had decided to become a demon slayer she just had to break the news to her parents,which was going to be hard.

Ayame had decided to make a list of all the good things that would happen if she joined the demon slayer corps but first Ayame had to research about the demon slayer corps.For the first time in a days she stepped out of her room, she changed into a kimono and paired it with Aia's haori and went out to the library.On the way to the library and searched for any book that would tell her even the slightest bout the demon slayer corps, she searched but to no avail.The only things she could find out was that the demon slayer corps were a corporation that wasn't funded by the government that supposedly killed 'demons' but most people thought they were a fraud.

That information was not helpful at all, and it was definitely not going to convince her parents.Ayame wasn't going to give up, she stayed in the library for most of the day before she left and went back home,she had gotten home and immediately went to her room and started to write the good things she found which included:

Helping humanity by killing demons

Help in the effort to finish demons off

and she couldn't find anything else. "Well, shit." Ayame thought  as she made the list "This isn't going to convince mom and dad." she added to her thought plus she knew how her parents were going to react "It's too dangerous." mom would say "You won't ever find a husband if you go to those demon slayer corps.They're probably just a scam anyway." dad would add.Ayame shook her head she wouldn't let them get in her way especially not since she was dead set on this.

If she did want to join the demon slayer corps she'd have to find someone to train her.But who would ever accept a woman? She didn't really have many options as a woman, but she would try her best.Since she knew that if she wanted to find or atleast have a chance to find someone to train her she'd have to find better clothing, a kimono wouldn't help her at all.

To be able to get ready to tell her parents she got an emergency bag ready just in case they decided to kick her out.As the days passed she was able to gather the necessities, medicines,general hygiene ,change of clothes, few weapons for self defense, and money.Finally the day came, the day she was going to tell her parents about her decision.Ayame made her way out of her room and quietly made her way to the main room where her parents were.

"Should I actually do this?," Ayame questioned herself on the way there "What if this turns out to be a big mistake?" Just as Ayame finished, she thought she got to the main room.Her parents were there, her mother was trimming her bonsai tree while her father was reading a book.Ayame took a deep but shaky breath before speaking  "Mother,Father...I have something I want to discuss with you." Ayame's mother looked up from what she was doing. "What is it?" her father asked, not looking up from his book, "Um...I was thinking about," she stopped for  a second and took another deep breath "Joining the demon slayer corps?" Ayame rushed to her last statement, "The what?" her father asked,still not looking up from his book,"The demon slayer corps." Ayame corrected. Her father immediately looked up from his book before he started laughing, her mother following shortly after, "What?" Ayame asked, confused as to why they were laughing.

Her parents laughed more before answering her question ,"It's just funny how you think that you,a woman could think about joining the demon slayer corps or whatever they're called." her father told her when he was done laughing, "They're probably just a scam,dear." her mother added returning back to trimming her bonsai  tree "Mom I can assure you they aren't a scam, I literally saw one." Ayame protested, "You were just seeing things,dear." her mother replied. "Your mother's right, Ayame. I don't care if they're a scam or not. I refuse to let a daughter of mine join that bunch of idiots." her father added, going back to reading his book. "That's not your decision to make." Ayame snapped at her father, causing her mother to look up shocked that she would back talk to her father,Ayame immediately regretted it.Her father immediately stood up and slapped her, Ayame fell holding her cheek which had a red mark from her father,shocked.

"What did you say, you worthless brat!" Her father exclaimed angrily,putting his book down and  standing up "Sweetheart calm down." Ayame's mother told him,standing up and taking his arm in an attempt to calm him down. "F-father...," Ayame muttered, managing to stand up, " I said, IT IS NOT YOUR DECISION!" Ayame shouted at him, this angered her father even more and he slapped her again and harder.Again Ayame fell, since her father hit her even harder she busted her lip and it started to bleed, "You worthless brat! You dare insult your own father!" her father shouted again before hitting her again,He wouldn't let her speak ,he just beat her for speaking back to him while her mother was begging him to stop but he wouldn't listen he beat her until Ayame's mother finally managed to drag him out the room and into another one.By the end of it Ayame's lip,and nose were bleeding , her kimono was a mess along with her hair.

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