Chapter 4

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Ayame had to travel back with Muichiro, she learned quite a bit about him during those few days, for one he was forgetful she had to remind him who she was at least once every day.Second, he had his priorities straight if given the choice between saving a smaller less important thing or person or save a more important and talented person he'd save the more important person and let the other one die.Third, he was a man of few words, literally he barely ever spoke and when he did it was usually just to explain something to her.Fourth, his crow wa fun to talk too, Ayame usually spent most of the time conversing with the crow and she grew quite fond of it.

After a few days of traveling Muichiro and Ayame had finally gotten there, Muichiro dropped Ayame off at a mansion which he said was his but Ayame had a hard time believing that such a young boy was able to get and have a mansion without any adults helping him.What he did have though were staff, staff who did household chores for him, when Muichiro had dropped Ayame off a person from the staff lead her to the back courtyard of the mansion and told her to wait right there and that he'd be right back.Ayame found herself sitting down in what she thought to be the back courtyard of Muichiro's mansion waiting for Muichiro or the staff member to come back and explain to her what was going to happen, after a bit of waiting Ayame got bored and pulled out a book from her bag and started to read it, "What are you reading?" a familiar voice asked from behind her.Ayame jumped at the sound of a voice behind her and turned to look at who it was, it was the staff member she had met earlier.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He apologized and sat down placing the plate at his side, "My name's Haru, Haru Nakano." Ayame went over and sat down next to him ,"It's nice to meet you, Haru my name's Ayame, Ayame Hayashi." there was an awkward pause. "So how long have you been working here?" Ayame asked, trying to break the silence, "Bout 3 months." "How old are you?"

"15, you?"


their conversation continued on, they talked about family,why Ayame wanted to become a demon slayer , how Has ended up working for Muichiro and so on.They were eventually interrupted by the arrival of Muichiro, Ayame didn't mind that her conversation with Haru was interrupted because by the end of it she already considered Haru a friend. "So, where are you taking me?" Ayame asked Muichiro as he led her to a completely different part of his mansion, "To train." Muichiro replied, taking her to what looked like a training area of the mansion.

And with that Ayame's training started. Muichiro started by having her run 15 laps around all of the mansion, then he'd have her do 100 push ups, 90 sit ups, and then 20 lunges with bags filled with rocks and weights, she also had to do stretches too.That was only a handful of the things Muichiro had Ayame do,Ayame started at sunrise and stopped at sunset with some breaks during the afternoon, she usually spent those breaks talking to Haru. By the 4th month she got used to doing all of it. She started doing all of that with a sword and even more bags filled with rocks.

The rare days that training was easy Ayame would have to play chess with Muichiro but other than that she had to train everyday even if it snowed, rained, hailed , even during strong winds Ayame had to train.But when Muichiro was out or on missions she stayed with Shinobu Kocho at the butterfly mansion and she trained there with Kanao Kochou,she also became good friends with Aoi Kanzaki,Sumi,Kiyo,and Naho.She continued on like that for a year until she was finally able to finish the exercise without any problems and beat Muichiro at chess, and when the second year came around Muichiro taught her how to use a nichirin sword and sparring with her he also started showing her how to use total consultation breathing.Muichiro had Ayame continue her exercises and sparred with Muichiro, she still used her breaks to talk to Haru, he'd usually bring her some food when they talked especially since one of Muichiro's forms of punishment was to restrict food from Ayame when she either didn't do something right or woke up late and didn't train.

When she was finally done with the two years Ayame had lost almost half of her original weight, and was more agile than she originally was she was also able to use total concentration breathing.Not long after she was done time for final selection came Kanao was also going to go so Ayame wasn't nervous but she didn't know what was going to happen to her out there.When the day finally came Ayame said goodbye to everyone in the mansion and borrowed a sword from Muichiro. "Goodbye Master, see you after final selection." Ayame told Muichiro before she left, she had gotten in the habit of calling Muichiro 'Master' since he was the one who taught her everything she knew. "Promise you'll come back." Haru told her just before she left, Ayame smiled at him before she replied, "I'll come back I promise." Ayame said, giving him one last hug, truth be told she wasn't sure she'd come back but she'd try to make it just for Haru...and maybe Muichiro.

She looked back at the mansion, the place that had been her home for 2 years, the place that housed all of the people she cared for the most "Shit.I really am going to miss this place if I don't come back." Ayame took a deep breath. "Oh well I'll have to wait and see." And with that Ayame left heading towards what could possibly be her leading her to her death.

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