Chapter 9

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After that first mission Ayame went back to Muichiro's mansion but she only stayed there for 2 days before she got her next assignment.She continued on like that for three months until she was called up to Mount Natagumo.She soon found out that Kanao had also been sent there along with the Insect Hashira, Shinobu Kocho and the Water Pillar, Giyuu Tomioka.Ayame figured if Lady Kochou and Lord Tomioka were both called as well this was going to be important.

Ayame was paired up with Kanao and they were both instructed to kill any demons they find along the way.Along the way Ayame and Kanao had spotted a boy running with a demon "There, Kanao look a boy running with a demon." Ayame pointed towards the boy with the demon, "You go after the demon, I'll handle the boy." Ayame told her, Kanao nodded and Ayame  landed on the boy's back.The boy fell and dropped the demon giving Kanao the chance to decapitate it but before Kanao could decapitate it  the boy grabbed her cape and flung her away from the demon "Run Nezuko!Run!Make a run for it!" The boy yelled and the demon ran "Don't get caught!No matter what! Hurry!". "Kanao!" Ayame shouted as she caught her before she hit the ground, "Are you okay?"  Kanao nodded before she ran after the demon.The boy made an attempt to stand up but Ayame kicked his head knocking him out cold, "I should probably go help Kanao...nah she'll be fine on her own." Ayame thought after she knocked the kid out.Ayame looked at the knocked out kid, "He looks familiar..." she thought, after a bit of staring Ayame noticed the kids earrings "Wait a minute, Its hanafuda earrings kid!" Ayame finally realized who it was.It was the hanafuda earrings kid from the final selection.

Just before Ayame was about to go help Kanao a crow came and delivered a message. "Message!Message!Caw! I bring a message from headquarters! Tanjiro and Nezuko are to be taken back to headquarters alive! Caw!" The crow announces, "Tanjiro and Nezuko? Who the hells that?" Ayame wondered when she heard the message. "Bring them back!Bring them back! Caw! Tanjiro, dressed in a checkered haori,with a scar on his forehead!" Ayame looked at the hanafuda earrings kid and realized he was Tanjiro. "Oh...sorry about knocking you out,bud." Ayame whispered to him, completely ignoring the rest of what the crow said.After a bit the kakushi clean up crew came, " Is that Tanjiro?" one of the kakushi asks Ayame, "I think so." She replies and helps them tie him up.Ayame helps Kanao direct the kakushi "Take all the wounded to the butterfly mansion." She tells some of the kakushi, "Kanao and I will be hunting down all the demons in the area so you'll be able to work in peace." She adds.After a bit the sun starts to come up and it was so goddamn beautiful it was almost ironic considering the events that had just occurred.

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