Chapter 8

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Ayame found Haru in the kitchen. "Haru, I need you to help me get ready for my first task." she told him, Haru frowned at her request "You got a task already?" he asked her. "Yes I did, will you help me or not?" She asked him, "I'll help." Haru relented "Thanks.I need to go get something. Can I expect you to get a small box of food ready for me when I come back?" she asked and Haru nodded.With that Ayame quickly went to her room and got a small bag she stuffed her wallet with money in it along with a small compass and went back to the kitchen.Haru was already done when she came back, "Here, the food I told you I'd make." Haru handed her the box of food and some water, Ayame put it in her bag, "Thanks, Haru." there was a long pause. "Hey. I'll come back...I promise." Ayame said, a faint smile formed on Haru's lips "Alright. But you better come back." he told her, Ayame chuckled and left waving goodbye to haru as she did.

Ayame got everything else ready, left Muichiro's mansion and traveled north.In 4 days Ayame arrived at the village.It was small and beautiful, seemingly calm it seemed as if there was nothing that could break that peace...well, except for demons.Ayame immediately started investigating the situation at hand,she went around asking people about the disappearances of the children.By the end of it she found out that the children disappearing were usually around the age of 5 and that now almost 20 kids had gone missing.After going around almost all day and questioning people Ayame decided to try something out for herself.

Ayame figured that to try and kill this demon she'd have to involve a child in her plan.So after a bit of stalking around some neighborhoods she found a family which had five kids two of which were around the age of 5. "Perfect." Ayame thought, she was sitting in a nearby tree looking down at the kids who were playing in the front courtyard of the house.Ayame waited in that tree until the sunset she watched the house waiting for some sort of suspicious movement, as Ayame sat in the tree she couldn't help but think about the family in their house.They all looked so happy, the mother played with her kids, the father watched as they played together a smile on his face...Ayame couldn't help but think about how she wished her mother had played with her like that, or how about she wished her father had smiled at her like that just once.Ayame's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden movement "A demon." Ayame thought as she watched it jump from roof to roof before landing in front of the kids bedroom window.

Ayame stood up hand on her sword,waiting for just the right moment to attack.The demon opened the window and looked at the sleeping children inside, Ayame unsheathed her sword and immediately attacked. She jumped off the tree and charged towards the demon, "Mist breathing fourth form:Shifting flow slash." Ayame slashed at the demon attempting to decapitate it,but the demon was quick enough to dodge the attack, jumping away from Ayame and the window. "Shit." Ayame thought as she quickly turned to look at the demon. "Well what do we have here? ¿A demon slayer? It's been a long while since I've seen one of you. It's such a shame I have to kill you especially since you're so pretty. " The demon announced as he stared at Ayame, sizing her up, Ayame charged again "Mist breathing First form: Low clouds, Distant haze." Ayame thrust her sword at the demon, she managed to slice the demon's arm off but the demon retaliated by kicking her,sending her flying into the wall right next to the window.Ayame's body burned, her muscles were aching, the wind had been knocked out of her. "Shit this isn't good." Ayame thought as she stood up, ignoring the fact that her blade suddenly got heavier.Than before she could charge again she heard it.A child crying.

The children had woken up and the demon definitely heard it too.Ayame immediately got in front of the window blocking the demon's path. "How wonderful, the brats have woken up." The demon chimed, trying to peer behind Ayame who was blocking his view. Before the demon could say anything else Ayame charged again. "Mist breathing Fourth form:Shifting flow slash." This time Ayame actually decapitated the demon.Ayame sighed sheathing her sword "You finally shut up." Ayame muttered before turning her attention to the crying children.Ayame walked over to the kids room. She knew the parents room was on the other side of their house and probably wouldn't hear the crying children so she tried calming them down.

Ayame walked into their room and took the child's hand. "There, there little one there's no need to cry, the monsters gone now." She repeated as she cradled the child in her arms rocking them back and forth, the kid looked barely 3 years old.Ayame kept rocking them until they fell asleep. Once they did Ayame placed them back on their futon and left through their bedroom window closing it behind her as she left.By the time Ayame left the kids house the sun was barely starting to rise.If Ayame had to be honest it was beautiful.

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