Chapter 15

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Ayame went back to her room, she went straight to her bag and pulled out a small picture of her deceased best friend, Aia. "You look just as pretty as the day I lost you.." She muttered, "Almost four years ago...gosh, you'd think I'd get over it right?" Ayame chuckled, tears swelling in her eyes, "...But...I just can't seem to forget about it..." she paused, making sure no one was near or could hear her. "...I think 'What if I was stronger? Or braver? Could I have saved her?' it's stupid right?" She sobbed, "I...I wish you were here right were the only person who got me..." tears were falling down her face now, "...I miss you..." Ayame finally got out, she burst out crying.Ayame held Aia's picture making sure not a single tear got on it, she had always missed Aia some days more than others.Today was one of those days.Ayame tried to calm down but she couldn't, finally Ayame went over to the mirror and looked at herself.

Her face was tear stained, her eyes puffy. She did what she usually had done.She took a few deep breaths before she took a cloth and wiped away the rest of her tears.Then she washed her face, making sure the water was the coldest it could be. "Just like mama taught me..." She muttered once she was done, she quickly put away the picture of Aia and got ready for bed.Once she was ready she got in her futon, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Ayame woke up early the next morning cold, her throat felt raspy and it hurt to swallow.She groaned, "Damnit, I've got a cough." she muttered and sat up, chills ran down her spine when she sat up.Ayame blinked, she finally stood up and changed out of her night gown and changed into her uniform.Once she managed that she did her hair, she put it into a bun, using her hairpin to secure it in place.Ayame sighed, "Why is it so goddamn hard, it's been years I should be over it by now..." she muttered as she packed up her stuff from the room and put the futon away.When she was done she exited the room, she assumed Muichiro was already waiting for her.He could at least do that much.

"You're finally here, Ayame." Muichiro remarked, he was waiting for her in the front of the inn. The sun had already risen a little bit so Ayame could see Muichiro a bit, "Sorry I'm late, I was tidying up some things." she answered, she opened her mouth to add to that but coughed.Muichiro's head tilted in confusion, "Are you sick?..." he questioned, moving a few feet closer to her "No, I'm fine it's just a small cough." Muichiro nodded and gestured for them to go. "Let's go, I want to get home early." He informed Ayame, she nodded and followed behind him.

As they walked Ayame would take sips of some tea she had prepared for herself. "You're taking sips of that quite a lot..." Muichiro noted, he had been paying lots of attention to her.Especially after how much she had been coughing, "Is it alcohol? Are you an alcoholic?" Muichiro innocently asked , "What? No.It's tea, for my cough." Ayame told him quickly, obvious confusion appeared on her face as to why he'd thought it was alcohol.Muichiro nodded and then turned away from her, "Why would I be an alcoholic..." Ayame wondered. They were passing through a bamboo forest when a crow; Rengoku's crow, approached them.

"Flame Hashira, Kyogiro Rengoku has passed!" The crow announced, Ayame's heart dropped to her stomach, "Were the boys okay? How many were injured? If Lord Rengoku died, how strong was the demon?" These thoughts flooded Ayames mind, completely disregarding the crow. Muichiro on the other hand didn't seem to be affected by the heartbreaking news, Ayame saw this and followed her master's example, Ayame wondered if her master even remembered the Lord Rengoku. She figured it was very unlikely due to Muihiro's amnesia; sometimes he didn't even remember Ayame herself. Ayame didn't notice but the crow had already left by then. Ayame had barely been able to pay attention to what the crow had said, but she did catch that Lord Rengoku had been killed by an uppermoon. Muichiro stopped walking abruptly and tilted his head upwards, looking at the clouds.

Muichiro sighed, "...Ayame, do you remember the shape of that cloud that passed just now?..." he asked, Ayame smiled. Her master wasn't affected by the news in the slightest bit, it was sad how because of his amnesia he couldn't remember Lord Rengoku...Ayamme sighed and blinked back some tears that had started forming. "No, sir. I can't remember the shape, I'm sorry." She answered, Muichiro frowned and scoffed, "What good of a demon slayer are you if you can't even remember the shapes of clouds?" he questioned. Ayame chuckled, she was used to him scolding her over the smallest little mistakes, "I'll make sure to pay more attention next time." she usually responded with small things like that, he was usually satisfied with her answers and left her alone for the time being. He scoffed and turned, his face going back to its usual monotone expression he always wore. Ayame didn't realize it at the moment but they were going to have to pass through her hometown and stay there for the night. 

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