Chapter 13

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For the next five days Ayame and Kanao both went up against Tanjiro, and both beat him, Zenitsu and Inosuke also stopped coming to rehabilitation training. "Come on,Tanjiro! You've got to run faster if you want to catch up to Kanao!" Ayame shouted as Kanao and Tanjiro did full-body training. Ayame couldn't help but laugh as she watched how Tanjiro looked like he was basically stumbling while Kanao was graceful and elegant.They were done when Tanjiro tried to grab her arm but she pulled away and fell face first, "Are you okay, Tanjiro?" Ayame asked him, as she approached him. "Mhm, I'm just fine." Tanjiro told her, Ayame helped him up. "That 's good." Ayame told him, with a small smile as they both walked to the side of the room.

Tanjiro looked at Ayame for a second, "Ayame, why did you become a demon slayer?" He asked her curiously.Ayame tensed up she hadn't been expecting him to ask that question.The only other person whom she had told why she had joined the demon slayer corps was Haru and even then she only gave him vague answers, "Well...I'm not sure." Ayame told him she was lying; she knew exactly why he joined; she just didn't want to tell him. "Oh..." Tanjirou muttered when he heard her answer, "...You said we met in Mount. Natagumo right?" Tanjiro asked, Ayame nodded  "Yes we did, but technically speaking we met during final selection." Ayame told him, " though I'm sure you won't remember." she added. "Why is that?" Tanjirou asked her, tilting his head to the side a bit. "Well, you were knocked out when we met." Ayame told him. Tanjiro looked confused, "I was?" he asked, 'Mhm, you were." Ayame nodded, "There  was a hand demon who had knocked you out.".

Tanjiro seemed to remember, "Oh, yeah there was. But I don't remember you being there." he said, "I left just before you woke up." Ayame told him, she chuckled at the thought of the kid getting knocked out twice. Once by her and another by a demon, "Ah, that explains it." Tanjiro muttered, "Anyways, I've got to go." Ayame told him. "Bye!"  She called at him as she left, "Oh, bye!" Tanjiro called back, waving at her. Ayame left the butterfly mansion in the late afternoon and went back to Muichiro's mansion. "Haru I'm back." She called into the Mansions main room, there was no reply. "Weird." Ayame thought, "Haru!" Ayame called again, she looked around for him. Ayame found him in the back courtyard of the mansion.

He was talking to a girl.Ayame recognized her, she was another member of the staff at the mansion.Ayame raised her eyebrows in surprise, she felt a small tinge of jealousy as she watched as the two of them conversed with one another, but she shook the feeling off. "He has a right to have other friends." Ayame reminded herself, she took a deep breath before he left.Leaving Haru and his new friend to talk to each other.Ayame was in a bad mood for the rest of the day.After  bit which felt like hours Ayame noticed that Haru was done talking to the girl and went into the kitchen, where Ayame was sitting eating an apple. "Oh, hi Ayame. I didn't notice you were back." He said when he saw her, "Of course you didn't." Ayame muttered bitterly, "What?" Haru asked when he heard what she muttered.

Ayame just ignored him. "Ayame, what did you say?" Haru asked again, "It was nothing." Ayame said bitterly, taking another bite of her apple frowning. "Well, it didn't seem like nothing." Haru told her he was seriously getting annoyed by how she was acting, "Come on, just tell me what's bothering you?" Haru asked Ayame again, "Just leave me alone." Ayame said, standing up and storming out of the kitchen, apple in hand.Haru was shocked by how she reacted just stayed in the kitchen, "...Ayame?" he whispered to himself.Ayame stormed off to her room slamming the door behind her. "What's the problem,Ayame?" She mocked Haru, "Why are you so annoyed?" she continued.Ayame continued her 'meltdown' for a good 5 minutes before she calmed down, and even then she still refused to talk to haru.

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