Chapter 5

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Ayame traveled far to Mt.Fuji Kasane, she was one of the first people get there the place where they started was surrounded by wisteria trees it was beautiful.Ayame was nervous and looked around to see if she knew any of the people there, that's when Kanao caught her eye she smiled when she saw her and her nerves calmed a bit, Ayame kept looking around a few people caught her eye a boy who was crying and was terrified of being there it was obvious he wasn't going to survive long, another who had hanafuda earrings and a mask on the side of his face and a few other people but none too important.After a bit two young girls came out and announced final selection was starting, Ayame couldn't help but feel a small adrenaline rush in her body as final selection started.Once everyone was outside the wisteria tree barrier everyone separated, she lost track of Kanao and the other two boys.

Ayame decided to stay in or near trees to get the high ground she immediately spotted a demon near a tree so she took her chance, Ayame jumped off of the tree she was in making the demons notice her and charge at her "Mist breathing fourth form: shifting flow slash."Ayame slashed at the demons decapitating it .She walked around a few steps before she felt something behind her and quickly turned around "Mist breathing forth form:Shifting Flow Slash."  decapitating another demon who was just about to try and kill her, "Dam, you guys are sneaky." she said to no one in particular before she went back into a tree.Not even a second later she heard a blood curdling scream, she immediately ran towards where it came and saw the most horrifying scene in the world.A boy her age was being devoured by a demon but not any normal demon this demon looked like it was melting, lumped together god knew how many hands it had or where it's neck was but that wasn't the worst of it, the demon was literally tearing the boy apart finger from finger, leg from leg, blood was everywhere, the demon took the boys face and started to pluck his eyes out, blood came out of the socket where the eye was supposed to be.The boy screamed even more when his eye finally came out the demon ate it.

Ayame felt weak, she sat there watching how the demon ate the boy.Ayame did not dare to move in case she'd or alert the demon of her presence but before she could turn and leave she spotted a boy, it was the hanafuda earrings kid, and was knocked out near a tree.Ayame considered her choices, she could save him but she'd possibly risk her life or get killed if she tried to save him, or she could run save herself and leave the boy to die.Before Ayame knew it she ran towards the boy and tried waking him up, "Come on wake up you stupid kid!" Ayame whispered/shouted to the boy shaking him to try and wake him up.No matter how hard Ayame shook the boy he wouldn't wake up, "Wake your ass up!" Ayame kept shaking the kid, glancing around to see if the demon was close by.

Before Ayam could react a hand came out from the ground in front of her, "Holy shit!" Ayame yelled when she saw the hand come up from the ground, and immediately grabbed her sword."Mist Breathing Fourth Form:Shifting flow slash." Ayame slashed the hand,but others came up all around her, "Mist breathing second form:Eight-layered mist." Ayame slashed all of the hands, "Damnit.", "Sorry kid I've got to go." Ayame muttered to the kid,and quickly left, managing to escape the demon.Ayame looked back as she left she managed to catch a glimpse of the kid he'd woken up, Ayame hoped he'd be fine or else she wouldn't be able to live with herself if he died.The next six days went smoothly, Ayame killed all the demons she could without dying and managed to get to the end of final selection.

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