Chapter 12

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And with that the boys rehabilitation training started.It had been two weeks since Tanjirou and the boar head kid-which Ayame later found out his name was Inosuke were taken away to rehabilitation training.Today was the day the yellow haired boy-whose name Ayame later found out was Zenitsu was going to join them, Ayame had been helping out with the boys rehabilitation training as much as possible. "Alright, since you'll be joining us from today, Zenitsu, I'll explain the process again." Aoi told Zenitsu, "You'll start over there." Aoi pointed to the side of the room Kiyo,Naho,and Sumi were at, "Those girls will make your bodies limber again after having been bedridden for so long.". "Next, reflex training." Aoi pointed to a table with lots of cups sitting on top of it, "These cups contain medicated water.The objective is to throw that medicated water onto your opponent, But if your opponent blocks your cup before you can pick it up, you can't move that cup.". "Last up, full-body training." Aoi paused and took a breath, "In simpler terms, you'll be playing a game of tag.You'll be up against myself," Aoi pointed towards herself and then kanao and Ayame, "Aoi, Kanao, and Ayame over there." Inosuke and Tanjirou let out a grunt of irritation.

"Excuse me. May I ask something?" Zenitsu asked Aoi, "Hm? Is there something that's not clear to you?" Aoi asked, Zenitu then stood up and walked towards the door. "What's the kid doing?" Ayame wondered as she watched as he called over Tanjirou and Inosuke and when Inosuke refused he dragged them both away. "What the hell is going on?" Ayame wondered even more, "Wait, here I'll go see what Zenitsu's doing." Ayame told the girls and she followed the boys outside.Ayame found them outside of the mansion, Zenitsu was chewing them out about something, "what is he doing?" Ayame thought before she went back inside. "Zenitsu is chewing them about something,I'm not sure about what though." Ayame told the girls once she was inside,though she really didn't need to.They could hear Zenitsu screaming from inside.

After an hour or so later, Zenitsu came back in Tanjirou and Inosuke in tow. "Please train me well!Hehehehe~!" Zenitsu said in a cheery tone of voice.With that they started the rehabilitation training, he started out with Kiyo, Naho, and Sumi,he was just creepy.Usually when the girls made their bodies limber again they would hate it not giggling, "What's with this kid?" Ayame wondered when he saw his reaction.Next for reflex training he went up against Ayame, they went up until he almost had her but...he refused to throw the water on her instead he said "I would never splash tea on a girl." and flashed a smile "Creep." Ayame thought when he saw what he did.And then it was Ayame's turn to take Zenitsu on in full-body training, "Now then! Full-body training! Begin!" Naho announced.The second they started Zenitsu seemed to jump on the walls and tried to wrap himself around her body.

Ayame immediately doged and ran to the right but he chased after her even faster.Ayame kept running. She went left,right,right,left,front,back,back,front and it continued like that until Ayame tripped and Zenitsu finally caught her wrapping his arms and legs around her body. "Get off me now." Ayame told him when his hand got dangerously close to her chest but he didn't budge. "I said get off me." Ayame said, when he didn't budge the second time she smacked him.He finally got off when she smacked him "I may have won the battle but lost the war." Zenitsu announced.

Once Zenitsu finished his training Inosuke and Tanjiro became more motivated.Inosuke especially got motivated he went up against Aoi and poor Aoi, Inosuke was merciless.Aoi and Inosuke did reflex training Inosuke immediately picked up a cup and splashed Aoi, Ayame gasped "Holy crap." Ayame thought when she saw what Inosuke did to Aoi.Next was full-body training Inosuke immediately picked up Aoi but the ankles, "All right!" Inosuke exclaimed excitedly, "Put her down!" Ayame exclaimed terrified for Aoi's safety, running up to them and snatching Aoi out of Inosukes grasp. "Aoi, are you okay?" Ayame asked her, sitting her down on the ground, "Yes, I am...I was just caught by surprise." Aoi told her,taking a few deep breaths.The rest of the time Aoi and Ayame watched as Kanao went up against Tanjiro.They watched as Kanao beat Tanjiro over and over and over again.

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