Declaration Of War

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'Huh... What's going on..?'

My eyes flutter open and I see nothing but darkness . I reach to my left, where my nightstand is that holds my bedside lamp. Just to feel... Nothing.

'That's weird...'

I sit up in my bed and yawn, stretching along with it.

'Nothing like a good stretch after a good nights of sleep...'

I swing my legs over the side of the bed, expecting to feel the cool touch of the floor beneath my feet. But there's nothing there. So, without realising, I jump out of bed and crash to the floor.

"Okay, this isn't right," I mutter to myself, my voice sounding very different. But there was no time to dwell on that fact as I heard the sound of hurried footsteps approaching my door.

'That must be (Y/N), we never did make up after what happened yesterday... Did we?' I think to myself and then the door was slammed open.

"Zuccuri! Are you alright!?" A feminine voice shouted.

"Yea, I'm fine..."



"Zuccuri..? I haven't heard that name since!"


Ryu's eyes shot open, his chest heaving with rapid breaths. Gasping for air, he sat upright in his bed, drenched in sweat.

"What... the hell... was that!" Ryu spoke in between breaths.

He took a moment to gather himself. Closing his eyes, he focused on slowing his breathing, attempting to calm the racing beats of his heart. The dream felt too real, too vivid to be dismissed easily. As he steadied his breaths, he tried to recall the fading images of the dream, attempting to make sense of the unsettling experience.

Hurried footsteps approached his room, the sound echoing through the silent hallway. Ryu's senses sharpened, his heart rate quickening once more. His grip tightened on the edge of his bed.

The footstep pattern was oddly reminiscent of the same ones from his dream. What happened in his dream again?

"Dad!" Ryu wasn't able to concentrate on his dream as his sons voice called out to him in urgency, "Are you alright?"

"Uh yea, (Y/N)," Ryu rubbed his head as (Y/N) slowly approached his bed, "I'm perfectly fine. Just a bad dream. Nothing to worry about.

"You're not lying?" (Y/N) scrutinized his father, searching for any signs of deception.

"I wouldn't dare," Ryu assured, attempting a smile, although it faltered, the memory of their strained conversation from the day before resurfacing.

"Say, (Y/N)-" Ryu began saying, but was interrupted by (Y/N).

"I'll go get you some water, gimme two seconds," (Y/N) said before speeding off towards the kitchen.

"Ah, right..." Ryu said to no one, as (Y/N) was already gone.

Ryu sighed, the weight of his dream and the lingering unease settling in his chest. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his feet touching the floor this time.

"What was that dream?" Ryu murmured to himself, his mind grappling with the fragments of his subconscious visions.

The events of his dream slipped further from his grasp, like sand slipping through his fingers, leaving behind a vague sense of dread. He knew dreams could be mere figments of the imagination, but something about this one felt different, as if it carried a weighty significance.

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