★ iii. ★

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it was 5 am, and Aera couldn't sleep.

she had been tossing around in her bed for a while now, and even after searching 'how to sleep in 5 minutes', nothing was working.

she furrowed her brows, slowly getting out of her warm bed with a groan, mentally cursing herself for not being able to sleep. she wore her slippers quickly and went to the kitchen, walking slowly and carefully as to not make any sounds, and right after she got a glass from the cabinet, a voice appeared behind her—

"what the hell are you doing awake at 5 in the morning?"

kai said from the darkness, making her flinch since she thought no one was awake.

"holy shit, you scared me." she said, her hand on her heart as she let out an annoyed sigh, then frowned as her older brother switched the lights on, making her squint her eyes at the sudden source of light.

"so..? why are you still awake?" he asked yet again, raising a brow at her before opening the fridge, getting an apple to snack on as they talked.

"i can't sleep.." she muttered, filling her glass of water before hopping onto the kitchen counter, taking a sip as she stared at kai. "too many thoughts."

"i thought you were too much of an idiot to think." he stated bluntly, looking at her with a blank expression, before a small smile crept onto his lips as he saw her offended expression.

"okay, rude—" she scoffed, giving him a glare before putting the cup of water down, fidgeting with her fingers. "i can tell you anything, right..?" she asked, almost as if she was seeking reassurance.

kai raised a brow at that, then gave her a slight nod, "yes, of course you can. what is it?" he asked, tilting his head to the side slightly as he stared at her. even though he was sort of mean, in a teasing way, but aside from that, he was a supportive person, but he was also sort of against the idea of her becoming an idol..

"i..sort of..became a trainee at JYP..?" she cleared her throat, avoiding his gaze as she waited for him to respond, seeing his expression change made her more nervous. why did she tell him anyways?

"oh. who signed the contract? i'm sure mom and dad didn't.." he said, confused yet shocked. kai knew how toxic the industry was, it was part of why he didn't become a rapper, and was going into the medical field, even though he wanted to be a rapper. so to see his sister go into the industry he once tried and despised, made his protective instincts rise slightly, but he kept his cold persona on.

"olivier did, i convinced him somehow, and he did." Aera said, knowing her brother's past difficulties dealing with the industry.

"did you get..accepted?" he asked slowly, as if still processing the information.

"yeah..i mean, i wouldn't tell you if i didn't, right?" she said jokingly, hoping to lighten the mood up a bit.

which worked, as kai let a small smile sit on his lips, making her smile as well.

"i'm guessing he'll be speaking to mom and dad too?" he asked, which aera answered with a nod. a comfortable silence took over the place, kai was still eating his apple, his phone in his hand, while aera was contemplating whether or not she should tell him about the cute guy she met..probably not. she already gave him some heart attack worth news.

I WANNA BE YOURS. (SKZ 9TH MEMBER)Where stories live. Discover now