Chapter Two

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I picked up my schedule the next morning with the masses. Riverside Collegiate Institute only had about 600 students enrolled so it wasn't hard to have to pick up a paper schedule. I looked down at the sheet of paper.

1st Period- Healthy Living and Personal and Fitness Activities, Grade 11, Open - Elective (PAF3O Athletics)

2nd Period- English, Grade 12, University Preparation - Compulsory (ENG3U)

3rd Period- Interdisciplinary Studies: Studies in Journalism, Grade 12, University Preparation - Elective (IDC4U)

4th Period- Physics, Grade 11, University Preparation - Elective (SPH3U)

5th Period- American History, Grade 11, University Preparation - Elective (CHA3U)

6th Period- Drama, Grade 11, University/College Preparation - Elective (ADA3M)

7th Period- Foundations for College Mathematics, Grade 11, College Preparation (MBF3C) - Elected Compulsory

8th Period- Visual Arts - Film and Video, Grade 11, Open, Elective (AWR3M)

I would be in strength and conditioning the first semester for Cross Country this year. That meant in the Spring semester I could go from morning practices into a workout class without rushing to get ready. I was happy with that.

I was still a grade level ahead for English. I had tested out of tenth grade English last year when I took my placement test to go here. Elle had convinced me to sign up for Drama, and Film and Video. She assured me that Ari was signing up for Photography and wouldn't be in any of those. Working for the school paper last year made me want to sign up for Journalism this year. I knew I would get a class away from everyone when I signed up for American History. My friends had all made fun of me, but I was still in fact, an American.

Tyler looked over my shoulder and smiled, "We have English together again this year."

"Oh sweet, any others?"

He finished looking mine over, "Nope, I am in Music for creating, Guitar, Creative Writing, and Communication Technologies for my electives."

"Bummer. But that makes sense for you. I'm surprised about the Creative Writing class."

He smirked, "Gives me a chance to work on my song writing skills. Might just have to write another one here soon. Feeling pretty inspired lately."

That made me blush. Tyler had written a song called 'Falling' for me last year. It was beautiful. It also happened to be a love song and I happened to have been dating Ari at the time. It had gone over like a lead balloon. Now though, I was free to love it publicly.

I saw Elle walking over with Aaron and we swapped schedules to see what we had together. We had the last two periods of the day together. Aaron would also be in English with Tyler and me. Jensen walked up then and I found out we also had Physics together. I was happy to see that I would have friends in most of my classes.

Jensen and I broke off from the group then to head to athletics. Cassie was waiting for us outside the gym with James.

James smiled and gave me a hug when I walked up. His light brown hair hung in ringlets on his shoulder. He had it up in a bun today. With his beard he looked like full grown man. "Hey Lexi. Did you get all the classes you wanted?"

"I did. What period do you have English this year?"

"Next period, what about you?"

"Same!" We high-fived. That class was going to be fun.

I heard someone clear their throat and turned around to see Darcy standing behind me. Her long auburn hair hung in a braids down to her midriff. She looked like she was wearing a wonder-bra because I knew she was not that well off. It made me laugh inside to think that all five foot two inches of her could attempt to be intimidating. But here she was puffing out her over inflated looking chest.

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