Chapter Three

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Next on the agenda was Physics. I prayed that it was not as rough as English had been. I saw a gorgeous, tall girl with pale blonde hair and a smile waiting for me outside the class, Jensen.

Thank God.

Jensen was dressed in a blue floral sun dress that showed off her long tan legs. Her hair was piled on top of her head in a messy bun that allowed her long, slender neck to be on full display. I noticed then that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her small, perky, breasts didn't need one. 

I wish I had that problem. 

"Jen, wait until I tell you about my English class."

"Lex, I want to know more about your Journalism class. I heard the new teacher is fucking hot."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah if we were twenty-five. Jen, the dude is old."

She rolled her eyes right back, "Twenty-five isn't old, Alex, it's mature."

I rolled my eyes, "Ha. No thanks. I don't want to end up seeing his face on To Catch A Predator."

Jensen laughed and we headed into Physics. Tt was a breeze compared to English. I was just happy to have a class that started out with introductions instead of going straight into the deep end on the first day.

Jensen and I spent most of the class doodling on each other's hand outs. We had the last twenty minutes to talk.

"You and Tyler looked cozy at the barbeque last night." Jensen teased.

"If that boy doesn't hurry up and ask me out already, I am going to explode. This anticipation is killing me."

Jensen laughed, "I had to wait years for Declan to notice me. Try that. At least you know Tyler likes you."

"True. It just feels like the start of a race. I keep waiting for him to pull the trigger. I have that feeling in my gut that is just dying while I wait."

"Then pull the trigger yourself, Lex. Let him know you're ready."

She had a point there.

I was starving when lunch finally came. The school had pushed it back a class period so now it was after fourth period. I would need to talk to the principal about all of these changes. They were making my head spin. It helped that she was Ms. Stone, a mom to one of the branches of the Families. Not that she could do much but the idea of a bitch session just felt comforting at the moment.

I walked with Jensen out to the parking lot. As upperclassmen, we were allowed to go off campus this year for lunch. It was another measure the school was implementing to try and cut down on crowding in the tiny lunchroom. I was all for this one.

I had texted Elle who told us to meet her by Tyler's truck. I wondered when Aaron would get his own. They were in the same grade but Aaron was a year younger than Tyler. Tyler had used the money he made from playing with his band to buy his truck. It made me start to wonder when I might be able to convince my dad to get me a set of wheels. Having to always rely on someone else for a ride, sucked. Plus, with the five oldest having graduated, there were a lot less options for rides this year.

Laura was showing off her new Mustang in the parking lot. She had just gotten done with the part of her license that allowed her to not have to have a driver in the car with her and Uncle Jim and Aunt Claire had gotten it for her as a reward. They had bought James his truck the year before and Dylan his truck the year before that. More ammo for me to use with dad to be able to get my own set of wheels.

Of course I would have to take Driver's Ed first. I had been hesitant to even start the class. I had asked my dad about it over the summer and found out that Canadians didn't get their permits at fifteen like I could in Texas. Their rules and classes for licenses were different enough to make me drop the subject for a while.

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