Chapter Nine

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I had tuned out for most of the day. It felt like a countdown clock had started. My flight was at Eight PM this evening. The same time I should have been going on my date with Tyler.

I felt myself clinging to him today during lunch. He kept his arm wrapped around my shoulder, protecting me, trying to shield me from what was sure to be a brutal few days. I could feel the energy coming off of James too. He was ready to get going. Laura was trying to act aloof. I think she just didn't know what to do.

Painstakingly slow, we made it to eighth period. We were supposed to present what we learned from the other person during our interviews. I got nervous when it was our turn but there wasn't any turning back now.

Ari and I got up and when it was our turn and just went for it.

I plastered a fake smile on my face and tried to sound as chipper as possible.

"My name is Alex Harrison."

"My name is Ari Munro."

"Ari and I already knew we had something in common."

"We're both a part of the Dead Mom's Club."

"I joined this week."

There was a silence that fell over the class and I saw Mr. Hale's eyes look like saucers.

We kept going though.

"I've been a member for a lot longer."

The high energy continued and I was sure that I sounded like a psychopath at this point.

"I learned that Ari's mom was bipolar." 

"I learned Alex's mom abandoned her family for another man when she was two."

"Ari's mom died of an accidental overdose and Ari found her."

"Alex doesn't really want to go to her mom's funeral but is scheduled to be on a flight to Dallas tonight."

"Ari hopes that he doesn't follow in his mom's foot steps."

"We both hate being in this club but it's a lifelong membership once you join."

I turned then to Mr. Hale and smiled.

"And that was how our interview went."

To say jaws were on the floor would be an understatement. I noticed Elle in the background with her phone out filming. We had warned her that this might be something to get on film. Ari bowed and I did a little curtsy before we went and sat down.

Mr. Hale stumbled over his words, "Well, um, that was, uh, definitely an original topic. Um, good job you two."

I mean, what else could he say?

Ari high fived me and we sat back to watch the others present. Making light of the situation might seem strange to the other kids here but it had me rolling on the inside. They didn't get it. They couldn't. There was a humor that only kids with dead parents got to have. It was a coping mechanism that was saving me from unraveling. 

Ari and I got some stares as we walked out of class. Elle flanked us. She warned us that she had already posted the video. The stares made sense then. 

We were discussing the looks on people's faces when a very annoyed face came into view, Darcy's.

"Hey Darcy." Ari sounded a few degrees colder than he had a moment before.

"You haven't texted me back since lunch." She huffed. She sounded like a petulant child. It was like nails on a chalkboard for me to hear her speak.

"I was busy." Ari sounded utterly unenthused to be speaking to her.

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