Chapter Twelve

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Elyse, Finn, and Bryce left after dinner. We had spent the entire afternoon and evening together. I was exhausted from the day. It was only nine when I told everyone I was headed to bed.

I knew Laura would join me later so I tried not to hog the covers. I was dead asleep when the weight of another person joining me in bed woke me partially up. I felt myself getting pulled into a little spoon position.

The hand that wrapped itself around my waist definitely wasn't Laura's. I scooted back into Tyler's embrace.

He kissed the top of my head and whispered, "Goodnight, Baby."

I didn't wake up again until the early morning light started shining through my window. I rolled under Tyler's arm to face him. His sandy brown hair hung around his shoulders. I felt something pressed against my stomach.

Well good morning to you too.

I could feel roughly what he had going on down there and it made my eyes bulge a bit. I also wanted to touch it. That made me blush. Jordan would have a fit if she knew he was in here. I wondered how he had managed to convince James and Laura to switch. I was trying to get up the nerve to put my hand on it but stopped.

What if he doesn't want me to?

I mean he said he wanted me in every way but what if he didn't? The anxiety was crippling me.

I wrapped my leg around his waist. Only our underwear separated us. I was working myself up mentally and physically at this point. I needed a release from both. So I started to kiss Tyler awake.

It didn't take him long to respond. He flipped me onto my back and started grinding against me. There was a lot of friction and fluids starting to build between the two of us.

"Lexi, Baby, what do you want to do?"

"I want you."

Tyler bent down to the floor and grabbed his wallet. He pulled out a little foil packet. He looked at me and I nodded. We started kissing again. I was more than ready for this moment. I put my hand where I had wanted to put it since yesterday. Tyler breathed in and let me do my thing for a moment.

*Knock, knock*

We froze. Tyler pulled up his underwear and I went to answer the door. I cracked it open. It was Laura.

I didn't know whether to thank her or curse her at that moment. At least it wasn't Jordan or Patrick.

"Hey, it's getting late enough that Jordan will be up soon. Time to switch back."

Tyler appeared behind me acting completely casual. "Awesome, Thanks Laur." He kissed the top of my head and squeezed past us.

I was dying inside.

Laura looked around when she entered the room.

"Did I interrupt something?"

I shook my head no and tried to look convincing. "No, we just woke up."

She walked over to the bed and picked up the foil packet. It was ripped open but still had the condom inside.

"Might want to get rid of that."

I could feel my face turning bright red.

"Laura, I think I'm cursed."

She smirked, "No, you just need to get back to Canada first before you try this again. Tyler has a big truck. Find an empty parking lot like the rest of us do and don't get busted by the cops. Or wait until your dad is at work. Shit, you don't even have to worry about siblings interrupting you at home."

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