Chapter Four

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I had Drama next. Lord knows I did not need more drama in my life but here it went. I got in there and saw Annie and Landon. They waved me over to sit with them. There were perks to having a large friend group, even if you weren't close to all of them, there was usually a friendly face if you needed one.

We found out that we would have the option to sign up to be in the shows or in Tech Theater behind the scenes. Considering I was only in this class because my counselor suggested it, I was more than happy to be behind the scenes and out of the spotlight.

We had a couple of spare minutes at the end of class and I found myself talking to Annie. "You choreographed the musical last year didn't you?"

She smiled, "Yep, that was me. And this year I get to do a senior play. You only get to direct one if you were in theater all four years of high school and I am one of three who have been for seniors."

"Oh that's awesome. Do you already know what play you want to direct?"

"No idea, I might even write my own. I started working on a one act this summer and I am considering asking if I can use it."

My mouth hung open, "You wrote a play?"

She blushed, "You'll have to read it and tell me what you think."

I nodded, "I would love to."

"I still need to edit it some. I am hoping to get to during Creative Writing this year."

I smirked, "Do you have that one with Tyler?"

Annie smirked back, "Why yes I do. And he was all smiles in class today. I guess that little make out session you two had in the parking lot got him in a good mood."

I froze, "Y'all saw that?"

Annie laughed, "Uh, yeah, everyone saw that. We were all watching you leave after you burned Ari to the ground. He sat there picking at his food the rest of lunch while that dipshit Darcy wouldn't stop blathering on about what had happened. Good for you girl. He deserved for you to finally say something."

That was a lot of information to process. I went quiet myself until the bell rang. I rushed out to Math class because I knew Elle would be there. She was already seated when I arrived.

"Alex, holy shit. Was that your first kiss with Tyler? Finally!"

"Elle, I am mortified. I had no idea everyone was paying attention to us."

"Girl how could we not? You about unalived, Ari and then walked out like you had ice in your veins. It was epic. He's my brother and I love him but that idiot needed to hear that."

The bell rang and we had to put our conversation on hold. We had eighth period together too and I was looking forward to going over every detail of the Tyler kiss with her. I was hoping having Mr. Hale twice today meant that this class would be even easier. We walked in and it felt like I was being slapped with cold water.

Ari was sitting in the back corner of the room.

I looked over to Elle, "Dude, you promised me he was only taking photography."

Elle looked confused until she realized who I referring to, "Oh, shit."

Ari looked... uncomfortable, to say the least.

I looked at Elle, "Do you want to go and sit by him? I can sit at the front."

She shook her head, "No, it's fine. I had no idea that he changed his schedule or I would have told you." We grabbed seats at the other end of the classroom and waited for class to start.

Mr. Hale walked in and I looked at Elle to see her reaction. She sat up straighter and I noticed that she started to slowly twirl her hair.

Elle, no. Ew. Girl no!

Piece By Piece (Book #2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt