Chapter Thirteen

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I had something to focus on. Something to get me through this week. That was all I could ask for. My chest still throbbed when the thought of Amanda came up. I hadn't talked to Elyse in a couple of days. I was engrossing myself in Cabbagetown and the people here. Distancing myself from Dallas was the only thing keeping me sane at the moment.

I had put Aaron, Elle, and Laura in a group chat. Aaron was in charge of making sure his family was on board with what we were planning, Elle was making sure Tyler's bandmates knew what was going on, and Laura was coordinating with the other kids in the family.

Tyler and I were supposed to have our first date last week but that had obviously gotten canceled. I told him this week I just wanted to go to Jet Fuel for some Coffee and then to watch movies at his house.

Meanwhile, Laura was heading the group on making sure the house got decorated and we were going to have cake, presents, and then a movie night outside. They were setting up a projector and firepits. We were going to watch Tyler's favorite movie, Fight Club.

I still questioned whether or not this was actually his favorite movie but Aaron assured me that Tyler loved Tyler Durden.

I prayed that no one blabbed to him about it.

By Friday morning I felt like I was in the clear. My plan was to Molly Ringwald him and act like I had forgotten his birthday until the party.

I already had my gift wrapped and in my bag. It was a guitar pic necklace and a poem.

That had been Elle's idea. It was a response to the song he had written me last year called Falling.

I had this nervous wave of nausea flowing through my system. I kept waiting to see if Tyler would bring up the fact that I was 'missing' his big day. But he acted like nothing was off. I had instructed everyone to not say 'Happy Birthday' to him if I was around to make sure it didn't give away the surprise.

After school we headed over to Jet Fuel. I watched him sip on his black coffee. I was dying inside trying not to give anything away. I made a mental note not to throw anyone a surprise party ever again. It made me feel like I was going to shit myself with anticipation. 

"So how's your day been?" I said in way of making conversation.

"Meh, pretty boring. Waiting for tomorrow." I was surprised that he wasn't moodier. I would have been if my girlfriend had forgotten my birthday.

"What's tomorrow?"

"Wally invited me today to go check out this new band that's playing at the Garage. Do you want to check it out together?"

"That sounds like fun. I'm down." I beamed.

"Then on Sunday, Gavin is supposed to be in town. Probably going to have a family dinner. I'm sure he'd love to see you."

Gavin, Dylan, and Jake had all made it home for the party. Max and Logan had too much going on.

I was still just shocked at how even keel Tyler was being. If he had forgotten my birthday I would have not been able to act like it was any other day. I kept making conversation as long as I could. I wanted to make sure everyone had time to get there. Laura texted me when it was safe to come home and I could finally say I was ready to leave. We drove back to his house. I had already texted Laura we were close and she texted back that everything was set. I had him walk ahead of me and waited on him to open the door.


Erupted from the house. Tyler jumped and turned back towards me. I was filming on my phone.

"Happy Birthday, Baby."

I sounded like a cheesy teenager but I loved it. He was mine and I was his and in this moment I was able to show him the light he had given me.

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