Chapter Fourteen

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September faded into October and Canadian Thanksgiving was here. We had the entire week off. It was another new initiative for the school. After last year, when half the teachers were hung over the day after, I had a feeling this was coming. I was excited more by the fact that all of the Graduates would be home. I missed having my cousin Dylan and his friends around to hang out with. Life felt too quiet without their boisterous presence. The Masons were hosting this year. My aunt and uncle had hosted last year. It seemed to go on rotation. That had to be nice, only having to host every five years or so. 

I still thought it was weird to have it on the second Monday of October.

I walked up with Dad, pumpkin pie in hand. There were several little kids running around outside. I assumed they had some cousins over too. The house was already filling up and lunch wasn't for another hour. I headed to their basement, certain my group of people would be there.

Dylan saw me first. He picked me up in one of his bear hugs. I had really missed those hugs. Max and Jake came over next for hugs. I was excited to see the whole crew together again. The only one not here yet seemed to be Logan. Gavin was in the corner having a beer and had Laura on his lap. That still boggled my mind, the drinking age being nineteen and not twenty-one. It might as well have been sixteen judging by who all I saw with bottles in their hands.

Tyler had something called a Labatt Blue in his hand. I walked over to him and he embraced me in a hug. Then to my surprise, started kissing me in front of everyone. I wasn't used to such public displays of affection. 

I didn't mind it. 

It was easy to block everyone else out and drown myself in him. His mouth tasted like malt. I could guess he was more than one beer in.

When he pulled apart, Tyler smiled down and said, "Want a beer?"

"How many have you had?" I smiled back.

"This is my third. Mom said as long as we aren't totally shit faced then she doesn't care. Perks of being an adult."

"Another year for me."

Tyler chuckled, "Please, no one will care here. You know that. But there's pop over there in the fridge if you want some of that and they have punch and crap upstairs I can go and get you."

I shook my head, "I'm good for now, thank you though."

Tyler leaned down and gave me another small kiss, "I'll stop after this one. I don't want to get too buzzed before we eat."

"Smart move."

We started making our way around the basement, checking in with everyone. James told me Cassie and Jensen were coming over later on this evening after they finished lunch with their own families. Elle and Aaron were cozied up in a corner. In the far corner of the room I saw Ari; he was nursing a beer alone. It made me sad. I hadn't talked to him about the whole Darcy split.

  Breakups suck though. 

I knew that first hand with him. I let Tyler know what I was up to and then walked over to check in on Ari. He looked surprised when I took a seat next to him.

"Hey, Gorgeous." Ari said nervously.

"Hey Ari." I smiled as warmly as I could, "Why are you sitting over here alone?"

He shrugged, "You know me, moping in a corner is kinda my thing."

I laughed, "She's a bitch and you know you're better off without her. You need a girl who likes hanging out and watching old movies. Not one who loves the party life."

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