Chapter Twenty

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Jensen sat on Elle's bed watching us do our makeup. Brenna actually joined in too. All of the boys were down stairs hanging out in the living room waiting on us. Jensen had worn a Unicorn horn to keep up with the Halloween spirit. Mr. and Mrs. Munro had bought candy for them to pass out since they would be home. Jensen was actually excited by the idea of getting to participate in Halloween without having to run into her ex. I couldn't blame her.

Elle was dressed up and Harley Quinn and Brenna was dressed as Poison Ivy. I loved it. I adjusted my aviators, trying to make sure they didn't mess up my makeup. I knew they would end up tucked into my shirt at some point.

The police outfit was a bodysuit with a zipper down the front to control cleavage. It had come with a hat and badge too. I felt like a stripper before the show but the girls assured me it wasn't too much.

We headed downstairs and got a bunch of whistles from the boys. Mrs. Munro was still in the kitchen decorating cookies for tonight.

She popped her head around the corner and said, "Well don't you all look cute. Love it."

At least we had one parent's stamp of approval. I still felt self conscious in my outfit.

Tyler walked up to me and said, "Hey, we can trade outfits if you don't like yours."

I laughed at the thought of that. I wasn't sure Tyler could fit into my outfit. I would have plenty of room in his. His outfit looked like the equivalent of sweatpants.

"Why do boys get the comfy outfits?"

Tyler looked me dead in the eyes, "Come with me." We walked back upstairs. Once we were in Elle's room he started stripping off his clothes.

"Ty, you can't be serious."

"Alex, I will rock that one piece. I want you to feel good. You already look sexy in a paper sack. I don't care what you wear. I care that you feel comfortable."

I peeled off my bodysuit and handed it over to Tyler. It took him a minute to rearrange his junk and he had to hike up the suit so that it fit all the way on but it was surprisingly stretchy. He grabbed my hat, badge and aviators. After throwing his hair up into a messy bun and putting the hat on over it he swung on the aviators.

"How do I look?" He asked.

I laughed, "Like the worst drag queen in Toronto but I love it."

He came over and hugged my still almost naked body, "And I love you. Now get dressed."

I put on his outfit and fixed my hair a bit. We took a selfie and then headed downstairs. Tyler made his grand entrance and had then entire room howling in laughter. Mrs. Munro's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head. I noticed that she couldn't help but notice Tyler's... package. It was hard not to notice in the skin tight suit. I handed him the pair of handcuffs I had left down here.

He twirled them around, "These could be fun sometime."

I rolled my eyes, "Cool it, fifty shades."

Tyler laughed, "Don't worry, I like my women mobile."

I rolled my eyes again. I gave Jensen a hug and she assured me that I looked awesome in the inmate get up. Once we took some photos we started walking down the block to the Flores house.

It occurred to me that I had never actually been inside their house. I had been to the Stone's house once, otherwise I had always just gone between my cousins, the Munro/Evan's house, and the Masons.

Everyone started out the backdoor instead of the front.

I was confused.

Tyler smiled at me, "Shortcut."

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