Chapter Seventeen

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To say the locker room was charged with energy on Monday morning would be an understatement. There was almost a literal *snap, crackle, and pop*.

Darcy came in acting like nothing had happened, as if she had just gone to an awesome party with most of the school's upperclassmen and that was that.

Jensen looked like a lioness stalking her prey.

We were all getting ready for our next class. I was hoping that meant we had made it through the hour without any drama. Darcy was applying lipgloss next to Miri in the mirror.

Miri said loudly enough where it could be heard, "You know it's probably better that it worked out this way. At least you don't have to hide anymore."

Jensen still looked ready to pounce.

Darcy looked back and said, "Oh, Sweetie, did you think that was the first time? That was just the first time we got caught."

*Insert cat fight scene here.* There was hair pulling, claws came out, and some straight up punches thrown from Jensen. Miri tried to help Darcy which led to Cassie throwing down on Miri. I wasn't about to lay hands on Tyler's sister. I knew better than that. Plus, Cassie and Jensen were taking care of business enough that it didn't look like I was needed.

Coaches came swarming in to break it up. I missed half of second period having to give my statement to the school principal. Yeah, it's not fun having to tell a kid's mom that you caught him getting a blow job at a party and that his now ex-girlfriend was beating up his side-hoe.

Mrs. Stone looked mortified.

I was surprised she hadn't heard about it yet. I was sure there was video of the whole Ari slap up online already.

I entered in late to Ms. Colewood's class with my note from the office. Tyler sat up straight and gave me a 'you good' look. I nodded yes and took my seat.

We were reading The Buddha of Suburbia this week. The main character Karim was English and Indian. He lived in England but still had spurts of his other half around because of his Dad. I could relate to a degree. Being Canadian and an American from Texas now living in Canada, I understood what it was like to have my two worlds collide. This one I had zoomed through. I found myself enthusiastically joining in on the discussions taking place even though I had to jump in half way into class. When the bell rang, Ms. Colewood stopped me on the way out and said,

"Good job jumping right in today Alex. I can tell you liked this one."

I smiled and said thank you. Tyler and I started walking towards my next class.

"So, what the fuck happened last period? My mom was already texting me telling me she had to pick Miri up from school because she got suspended for a week."

"She was stupid enough to get in between Jensen beating Darcy's ass. Darcy told us she and Declan have been seeing each other. Friday wasn't the first time they had hooked up. And your sister fucking knew about it."

That stopped Tyler short, "Are you serious?"

"She's the one who goaded Darcy into telling us."

Tyler wiped his hand down his face exasperated. We had reached my class. Danny was waiting outside.

"Lex, fill me in."

I had to retell the story again to Danny. I knew it wouldn't be the last time I was asked about it either. I started getting asked if certain details were true throughout the day as the story spread. Some people asked if Jensen was pregnant. Others asked if Cassie had gauged Miri's eye out. The rumor mill was swirling, hard.

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