Chapter Eleven

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Jordan was out running errands in Patrick's car when we got back. Patrick said she was headed to the grocery store when she got done with the other errands.

That meant Tyler and I could finally have a moment alone and not worry about adult supervision. I was itching to just be alone in his arms for as long as we could get away with it. I wouldn't have even thought of it if we were back in Toronto. It was easy to find a place to have privacy there. I needed to get my cousins and Patrick to leave us alone too. They had been suffocating me with kindness and love all day. I appreciated it but I needed some air already. 

I decided to play the tired card. I yawned several times and stretched. That didn't seem to work so I started acting like I was falling asleep there on the couch and then 'startled' myself awake.

"Do you need to go lay down, Lex?" James asked.


I nodded, "I think I need a nap." I looked at Tyler, "Can you come lay down with me? I don't want to be alone."

Please do not offer to come Laura.

Tyler looked at Laura, "Come get me up if you hear Jordan park. I don't want her thinking something is up."

Patrick, who knew me better than anyone here when it came to matters like this, rolled his eyes. He knew I wasn't just wanting to 'nap' with Tyler. I eyed him pointedly in my best sibling stare that said, 'Just fucking go along with it'.

 "My mom has her location shared with me. I'll keep an eye on it and send Laura up there when she's on her way home."

"Thanks man." Tyler fist bumped Patrick and we headed upstairs.

I casually took off my shoes and sweater. It left me only in my black dress. Tyler kicked his shoes off and crawled into bed so that his back was to the wall and opened the covers for me to come and crawl into bed. We both curled up in my bed. I nestled into Tyler's chest. It took me several minutes before I got the guts to make my next move.

I tried to act casual. Tyler had his eyes closed. He seemed to be settling in for his own nap. I leaned up and started kissing him slowly. Tyler startled for a moment, processing what was happening but started kissing me back when he realized what I was doing. I slowly slipped my tongue into his mouth like he had done to me last week. I wanted to see if he would match my energy.

He did.

Continuing our slow dance we had going, he gently rotated me onto my back. Tyler positioned himself so that he was partially on top of me but wouldn't crush me. My leg wrapped around his back. Tyler's hand wrapped under my head to the back of my neck. He pulled me against him. I felt myself start to slowly grind my hips into his.

I was in a dress, so taking me would be easy if he wanted to. He could easily pull my underwear over or down. I wanted him to want to. I wanted to give myself over to him and not have to think about what came next or what was going to happen over the next few days. These fleeting moments with Tyler were all that were keeping me going right now. Otherwise, I was running on fumes that were disappearing rapidly.

I started to pick up the pace, kissing Tyler more aggressively and in what I hoped was a seductive manner. It wasn't like I had a ton of experience in this department. I started to pick up my pace with the grinding. I hoped that I was doing it right. It felt like a natural rhythm but I wasn't used to doing it. The friction was giving me hormonal feelings I hadn't experienced with another person before. A very carnal ache was starting to build in my stomach. I needed a release and I wanted Tyler to be the one to give it to me.

I felt Tyler smile under my kiss and pull away his mouth. He whispered in my ear, "If you keep this up, Laura will walk in on a scene she's not expecting."

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