Chapter Twenty-Four

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The next month was grueling socially. Darcy was able to confirm that Declan fit the timeline. He proceeded to act like he was just one of many she had been with and wanted a paternity test. I couldn't blame him. This was a big deal. If the baby was his, his whole life would change.

That didn't mean though he had the right to treat Darcy the way he was. Declan was actively trying to make her look like a full on slut. She was already dealing with a very public pregnancy. Even I started to feel bad for her.

Darcy had to quit athletics for obvious reasons. Miri seemed to be one of the few friends she had that didn't desert her. I was proud of Miri for that. It didn't surprise me though, after finding out Ms. Mason had had Gavin her senior year of high school.

I tried to stay in my lane and focus on things I could actually control. I was walking into the school with Tyler when we heard Brenna screaming his name behind us.

"Tyler! They called! Dine Alone Records Called!"

Tyler stopped in his tracks and turned to face her, "What did they say?"

Brenna was jumping up and down, "They loved our demo! They want us to come in and talk."

Tyler looked like his legs were about to give out. He started jumping up and down too then and hugging Brenna.

I stood there looking stupid because I had no idea what they were talking about.

"Want to fill me in, Ty?"

"They're an indie record label in Toronto. They have branches here, LA, and Nashville. We have been trying to get them to listen to a demo we made last year for months."

My eyes widened, "Oh shit, that's huge."

Tyler kissed me excitedly. He turned back to Brenna, "What all did they say?"

"They loved our cover of Renegade and apparently really loved Fallen. They want us to come in tomorrow at five."

Tyler ran his hands through his hair. He bent over for a moment, trying to digest the news.

"Congratulations y'all. I am really proud of you both. Lord this could be huge for you."

Tyler stood up, "Did you already tell Mack and Kevin?"

Those were their latest drummer and bassist. I think they had been through four or five between the two positions since I had met them. Not many teenagers had that much time to practice and play gigs.

"I wanted to tell you first."

Tyler leaned over and hugged her again, "We got this Bren."

She smiled, "I have to go tell Nix now."

We walked to the gym. Jensen and Ari were talking outside. I was happy to see they had made it even after the latest Darcy incident. They seemed to be grounding each other.

"Hey love birds," I quipped as we walked up.
Ari smiled at Tyler, "congratulations on the record label call. I was with Brenna this morning when it came in."

Tyler smiled wide, "I still can't believe it man."

Jensen looked intrigued.

"I'll fill you in while we get changed." We kissed the boys goodbye and headed in.

I filled her in and Jensen responded, "Holy shit. So they could wind up touring and getting a record made and all that."

"Yep. They've toured before but it's been a lot of it on their own dime and just around Toronto."

"You think you can handle a whole summer of him being in a tour van alone with his ex?"

I rolled my eyes, "I did it last summer. I will be in the Dallas area for the first part of the summer anyways. I go and see my stepmom. Well ex-stepmom. I think I might go and do some college tours this summer too. I keep trying to get Laura to go with me so we can do a road trip."

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