1 - Overwhelming Day

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A/N: This story is inspired by the Webtoon: Eggnoid. By: Archie the red cat.

Hanni waited outside of the school gate to surprise her boyfriend's birthday with origami roses and love notes. She made sure to put everything together in a neat manner, making sure that everything was perfect.

Although they have been together for two years, the girl was always so nervous around Soobin. It's not that she felt uncomfortable around him, it was because the man never seemed to open the wall that was clearly standing in between their way, and neither did Hanni. Anyone but the two can clearly see that.

Minutes passed, what started as ten minutes had turned into two hours. For two hours, Hanni had been standing in front of the boys dorm, waiting for her said lover to show up for their date which she planned. If it were anyone else, they surely would've left, but Ms. Pham was a persistent person who will make sure nothing got in her way when it came to the people she loved.

So she waited, and waited, and waited.

She checked her messages but sighed in despair when she noticed that Soobin still hasn't responded to any of her texts. Where could he be?

'He must be sick and headed home.' She thought to herself.

The thought lingered on her head for a while, arguing with another thought that kept telling her to stay. However, despite being a strong-willed person, Hanni decided that it was time to reschedule the date just like how the couple always did.

On the way home, the girl drove past a mall and immediately thought of her boyfriend. She could also get a store bought present for him just in case he isn't a fan of origamis and poems, she thought. So she walked in and looked for a gaming store in search of the game that Soobin had always brought up. When she finally bought what she looked for, Hanni thought of another present idea and walked inside the arcade.

It's only going to cost her a few bucks to get a Gojo plushie for him, it shouldn't be that hard, right? Well, she was damn wrong. By the time the machine finally held onto the doll, she had already spent eighty dollars. She was frustrated, anyone in the arcade could notice the excessive amount of sweat on her forehead as an evidence to support the statement.

"Fuck," She let out a breath, holding onto the plushie.

She was going broke, but it's okay because Soobin's affection was worth more than any amount of money in the world.


"S- Soobin. . ." Hanni froze, dropping the Gojo plushie that she held so tightly in her arms.

The old Hanni would've cried to see such a cute plushie being dropped onto the dirty arcade floor, but none of that seemed to matter at this moment. Because right now, she had just witnessed her beloved boyfriend getting kissed on the cheek after walking out of a photobooth.

The two boys were giggling.

Hanni didn't think much of it until Soobin gave a peck on Yeonjun's lips.

All three of them froze the moment they faced each other. Just like Hanni, Soobin wasn't expecting to ever having to come across this moment.

"You're- I-" The sight overwhelmed her, and so did her emotions. Just like that, her face heated up and tears made their way down her chin. If she had an option, she'd choose to have gone straight home instead of stopping by, but unfortunately, time wasn't something you could turn back.

There were so many questions to be answered, but anything was better than to be in the two boys' presence as of this moment.

"Hanni, let me explai-" The taller man grabbed her by the arm, and he realized that it was a mistake to do so when he saw the fist already formed.

He had flashbacks of the first time they interacted. It was a pretty odd thing to have somehow led to the two years relationship they had. Hanni was eating at her Highschool cafeteria, minding her own business like how everyone should. However, that rule didn't seem to apply to Soobin who purposefully made fun of Hanni's hairstyle, so the girl decided to take matters into her own hands. Long story short, they ended up getting called by the school principal, but it didn't become a big deal as Hanni's parents who were supposed to assist her in addressing the situation, had already left the world when she was only fourteen. Meanwhile her caretaker was away in Paris, enjoying her honeymoon with her new fiance.

But this time, Hanni was too weak to throw any punches at Soobin despite the loud shatter of her heart. She pushed him away and sprinted to her car, leaving the two men feeling guilty.

'Why? Why? Why?!'

Hanni turned on the music as loud as she could so that it can become a sort of distraction. Of course, it didn't work. She spent the next fifteen minutes crying in her car, thinking of all the things she did wrong to deserve this.

The sky was getting dark, marking the end of the day.

Of course, the girl didn't want to pay extra for parking, meaning that she had no other choice but to drive home in tears.

What a great way to end the day.


After everything they went through, cheating was the last thing that Hanni expected Soobin to do, especially with another man.

Did she gross him out that much to have made him reconsider liking women?

She sniffled whilst jiggling her keys. Home sweet home, she thought. Now, she could finally take a long bath and continue watching Netflix to ignore all of her problems.

That thought perished as soon as her gaze moved to the massive artificial egg shell in the middle of her living room.

"What the hell?" She gasped as she approached the shell with caution.

It looked just like the things she saw on advertisements. Could it be? But she didn't remember ordering one. Hell, she didn't even remember the last time she had the money to even afford one -- at least after her parents left.

What was that thing doing in her flat? Most importantly, how did such a structure get in through the door? Unless it didn't. Either way, the egg wiped all of Hanni's tears by making her forget about the incident today and focused on the egg.

Curious, she circled the egg and found a power button light up in green. The screen above it said "Open". She wasn't stupid, though. But curiosity won her over. She lifted a finger to press the button, blinding Hanni with its brightness and made her shiver when what-she-assumed-to-be nitrogen gas spilled onto her legs, soon making their way onto the wooden floor.

Slowly, a silhouette of a woman appeared inside the egg. Hanni put a hand up to her mouth to prevent the scream that she was about to let out. She looked at the Eggnoid in disbelief, thinking that today couldn't get any worse when a naked black-haired girl hugged Hanni before she had time to react.

"Hanni!" It squealed.

"What the fuck?!"

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Eggnoid | a Bbangsaz Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें